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Sunday, January 31, 2010

What happens if my PSA level is high?

There are no hard and fast rules, and even the experts don't always agree on the best course of action. What happens next depends on whether or not you have any symptoms, your personal risk of prostate cancer, how high the PSA level is, and your age (the older you are, the higher your PSA level is likely to be whether or not you have prostate cancer).

As a rough guide, there are three main options after a PSA test:

* PSA not raised: Highly unlikely to have cancer. No further action.

* PSA slightly raised: Probably not cancer, but might need to repeat the test.

* PSA definitely raised: Probably need a biopsy to find out if you have prostate cancer.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What other methods are being studied to detect prostate cancer?

Researchers are investigating several other ways to detect prostate cancer that could be used alone or together with the PSA test and DRE. Some of these include the following:

* MicroRNA patterns: MicroRNAs are small, single-strand molecules of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that regulate important cellular functions. Researchers have found that the pattern of microRNAs in a cell can differ depending on the type of cell and between healthy cells and abnormal cells, such as cancer cells. Some research also suggests that the microRNA patterns in early-stage prostate cancer and late-stage prostate cancer may be different.

* Non-mutation gene alterations: The activity of a gene can be altered in ways that do not involve a change (mutation) to its DNA code. This can occur by modifying the gene’s DNA through a process known as methylation or by modifying the proteins that bind to the gene and help control how it is configured in the chromosome on which it is located. These types of gene alterations are called epigenetic alterations. Research has already shown that certain genes become hypermethylated and inactivated during the development and progression of prostate cancer. Scientists hope to identify DNA methylation changes and protein modifications that will be able to identify prostate cancer early and help predict tumor behavior.

* Gene fusions: Sometimes genes on different chromosomes can come together inappropriately and fuse to form hybrid genes. These hybrid genes have been found in several types of cancer, including prostate cancer, and may play a role in cancer development. The gene fusions found in prostate cancer involve members of the ETS family of oncogenes, which are genes that cause cancer when mutated or expressed at higher than normal levels. Researchers are investigating whether diagnostic or prognostic tests based on gene fusions can be developed.

* PCA3: PCA3, also known as DD3, is a prostate-specific RNA that is reported to be expressed at high levels in prostate tumor cells. It does not appear to contain the genetic code for a protein. A urine test for this RNA, to be used in addition to current prostate cancer screening tests, has the potential to be useful and is under study.

* Differential detection of metabolites: Molecules produced by the body’s metabolic processes, or metabolites, may be able to help distinguish between benign prostate tissue, localized prostate cancer, and metastatic prostate cancer. One such molecule, known as sarcosine, has been identified and may be associated with prostate cancer’s invasiveness and aggressiveness. Ongoing research is investigating whether a test based on sarcosine can be developed.

* Proteo-imaging: Proteo-imaging is the ability to localize and follow changes at the molecular level, through imaging, of the protein distributions in specific tissues. Being able to see different patterns of protein expression in healthy prostate tissue versus abnormal prostate tissue may help classify early prostate changes that may one day lead to cancer.

* Protein patterns in the blood: Researchers are also studying patterns of proteins in the blood to see if they can identify one or more unique patterns that indicate the presence of prostate cancer and allow more aggressive cancers to be distinguished from less aggressive ones.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Should I get a PSA test for prostate cancer?

A new study shows that screening for prostate cancer doesn’t necessarily save lives

Prostate cancer screening is about to get a whole lot cloudier.

Published this morning in the NEJM, the results of the study by the National Cancer Institute showed that, for men who were screened with both a PSA and digital rectal exam, there was no difference when compared to men who received “usual care.”

The results confirm the suspicions that many physicians already had, namely, that screening for prostate cancer does not appear to save lives.

As I have written countless times, there are many other diseases that can raise a PSA level. Combined with the fact that physicians have to act on elevated levels, this can lead to excessive prostate biopsies, as well as treating early cancers that end up not being the ultimate cause of death. All of these procedures expose the patient to a host of side effects, including bleeding and infection from the biopsy, and impotence and urinary incontinence from prostate cancer treatment.

The study was paired with the findings from a concurrent European study, which was not quite as negative. Nonetheless, the benefit of prostate cancer screening was minimal, with “7 fewer prostate cancer deaths for every 10,000 men screened and followed for nine years.”

Already, the USPSTF is shying away from endorsing prostate cancer screening by updating their guidelines last year, no longer recommending a PSA test for men older than 75.

So, what to do if you’re a patient? I think it’s more imperative than ever not to accept the dogma that “more screening is better medicine.” If anything, the decision of obtaining a PSA test needs to be thoroughly discussed with your doctor. Suddenly, the benefits of going down the path of screening doesn’t necessarily outweigh the risks.

Many may find that counterintuitive, and to be honest, it’s a hard truth to swallow. But these findings can help counter the pervading myth that obtaining every conceivable screening test is a sure way to improve health, when in actuality, it isn’t.

Routine Prostate Cancer Screening With PSA Test

Two papers published on bmj.com today report that there is unsatisfactory evidence to support population-wide screening for prostate cancer using the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test.

The PSA test cannot differentiate lethal from harmless prostate cancer, according to the authors. This could lead to over diagnosis and overtreatment of healthy men.

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein formed in the cells of the prostate gland. It is present in small quantities in the blood of healthy men. It is frequently elevated in men with prostate cancer and in men with benign prostatic enlargement.

Although it remains controversial, PSA screening is commonly used in many countries. The latest study suggests that prostate cancer deaths were lower among screened men but at a cost of significant over diagnosis and treatment.

A Swedish team of researchers set out in the first study to evaluate how well prostate specific antigen predicted a potential prostate cancer diagnosis.

They used PSA test results from 540 men diagnosed with prostate cancer measured several years before diagnosis and from 1,034 healthy controls. Results indicated that the PSA test did not reach the probability ratios. It is a measure used to predict disease required for a screening test. Only very low concentrations of PSA (less than 1ng/ml) virtually ruled out a diagnosis of prostate cancer during monitoring.

The researchers inform that there is a need for other biomarkers for early detection of prostate cancer and before population based screening for prostate cancer should be introduced.

US researchers looked at the benefits and risks of PSA screening in a second analysis paper. They concluded that data on costs and benefits remain insufficient to support population based screening. In addition, they recommend further accurate measuring of the financial and psychological costs of false positive results, over diagnosis and overtreatment of prostate cancer.

In conclusion, they consider that men should be entirely informed of the benefits, harms and uncertainties associated with the PSA test before they are screened.

This observation is supported in a complementary editorial by researchers at Monash University in Australia.

Dr Dragan Ilic and Professor Sally Green write: "Clinicians and patients are faced with many uncertainties when considering whether or not to undergo prostate screening."

They remark: "Further research is required to develop and evaluate a valid screening test for prostate cancer." Until such a test exists, the choice to undertake screening should follow a shared decision making approach

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The PSA Test - How Does It Work

The purpose of this article is to remove some of the mystery surrounding the PSA test and its use in signaling the potential presence of prostate cancer.

The cells of the prostate gland produce prostate-specific antigen. A rectal exam and a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test will help detect prostate cancer in men age 50 or over. The Federal Drug Administration approved the use of the PSA test to detect prostate cancer and to see if the cancer has recurred. A high PSA level is a sign that cancer is present. There are other reasons for a high PSA level and PSA screening has some limits.

The PSA test measures the level of protein produced by the prostate gland. The doctor will take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory. This test is sometimes called a biological marker for cancer tumors. Men normally have low levels of PSA in their blood. If the rate is high, it could point to prostate cancer but it can mean there are other non-cancer conditions present in the prostate. As men get older, prostate cancer and other prostate problems become more of a problem. Enlarged prostate and prostatitis may raise the PSA levels in the blood. Neither of these problems causes cancer but it is possible for a man with one of these problems to develop prostate cancer.

The PSA level will not tell the doctor if the patient has a benign prostate problem or cancer. The doctor will use the PSA test to decide if there should be a check for other signs of prostate cancer.

The Federal Drug Administration approved the PSA test to be used with a rectal exam to check for any abnormalities in the prostate. The doctor will insert a gloved finger into the rectum to check for lumps or areas that seem abnormal. The PSA test is used with this rectal exam to detect cancer in men, especially those who have no symptoms. The FDA also approved the test for patients who have had prostate cancer to see if the cancer has come back.

The PSA test is highly recommended for men over the age of 50. If the patient has a high risk factor for prostate cancer, the doctor may recommend PSA testing to start at age 45. There are some risk factors a man should look at if a doctor recommends routine screening. Age is the most common risk factor, but if there is a family history of prostate cancer you have a greater chance of having it too. African-American has the largest risk of contacting prostate cancer. Native American and Asian men have the lowest rates of this disease. Some think this might be because a diet that is high in animal fat may increase the chance of getting prostate cancer.

If a man shows a high PSA level in his blood the doctor may look for other causes before doing more screening for prostate cancer. If the patients have no other symptoms, you may be advised to watch for any changes in urination habits and take another PSA test in a few months.

So, in summary, pros and cons of the PSA test?

Possible benefits of having the test

* It may provide reassurance if the test result is normal.

* It can help to detect prostate cancer before any symptoms develop.

* Treatment in the early stages of prostate cancer could help you live longer and avoid the complications of cancer (although there is no good evidence that this is so).

Possible disadvantages

* It might detect a slow-growing cancer that may never cause any symptoms or shorten your life span. But the diagnosis of 'cancer' may cause you significant anxiety which could affect your quality of life.

* It may lead you to have treatment for early prostate cancer which might not help you live longer. Also, the main treatments for early prostate cancer do carry some risk and can cause side-effects.

* It could miss cancer in the prostate, and falsely reassure you that all is well.

* It could lead to anxiety and a biopsy when you have no cancer.

Ultimately, the decision should be taken by yourself in conjunction with your GP who can advise further and who knows your particular circumstances.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Blood Test

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a substance produced by the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels may indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis or an enlarged prostate.

Most men have PSA levels under four (ng/mL) and this has traditionally been used as the cutoff for concern about risk of prostate cancer. Men with prostate cancer often have PSA levels higher than four, although cancer is a possibility at any PSA level. According to published reports, men who have a prostate gland that feels normal on examination and a PSA less than four have a 15% chance of having prostate cancer. Those with a PSA between four and 10 have a 25% chance of having prostate cancer and if the PSA is higher than 10, the risk increases to 67%.

In the past, most experts viewed PSA levels less than 4 ng/mL as normal. Due to the findings from more recent studies, some recommend lowering the cutoff levels that determine if a PSA value is normal or elevated. Some researchers encourage using less than 2.5 or 3 ng/mL as a cutoff for normal values, particularly in younger patients. Younger patients tend to have smaller prostates and lower PSA values, so any elevation of the PSA in younger men above 2.5 ng/mL is a cause for concern.

Just as important as the PSA number is the trend of that number (whether it is going up, how quickly, and over what period of time). It is important to understand that the PSA test is not perfect. Most men with elevated PSA levels have noncancerous prostate enlargement, which is a normal part of aging. Conversely, low levels of PSA in the bloodstream do not rule out the possibility of prostate cancer. However, most cases of early prostate cancer are found by a PSA blood test.

How Is The PSA Screening Test Done?

The test involves drawing blood, usually from the arm. The results are usually sent to a laboratory and most often come back within several days.

When Should I Have My PSA Levels Tested?

PSA blood tests and digital rectal exams should be done every year for men beginning at age 50, and earlier (age 40) for African American men and men with a family history of prostate cancer.

If your doctor is concerned that you might have prostate cancer based on either your PSA level or a rectal exam, a biopsy (a lab testing of a small amount of tissue from the prostate) will be this next step This is the only way to positively identify the presence of cancer.

What does the PSA test tell me about my prostate?

A raised PSA level can be a sign that you have prostate cancer. The PSA level is often raised well before any symptoms of prostate cancer develop. So the test can help to detect early prostate cancers (which may have a better chance of being successfully treated than more advanced prostate cancers.) As a rule, the higher the PSA level, the more likely that you have prostate cancer.

However, a raised PSA level can also occur in other prostate conditions such as some cases of benign enlargement of the prostate and inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis). In particular, a PSA level that is mildly or moderately raised has a good chance of being due to a benign condition, but could be due to prostate cancer. Overall, about 2 in 3 men with a raised PSA level do not have prostate cancer.

Also, if you do have prostate cancer, a single PSA test cannot tell you whether a prostate cancer is slow or fast growing.

And also, in some cases, the PSA level may be normal even when there is cancer there. Up to 1 in 5 men with prostate cancer have a normal PSA level.

So, the PSA test is not an accurate test for prostate cancer.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What conditions other than cancer cause the PSA level to rise?

The prostate typically enlarges as men grow older, and because small amounts of PSA are produced by the healthy prostate, its blood level tends to rise. Benign prostate enlargement (a condition which causes urinary symptoms such as poor flow, getting up at night), is a common non-cancer condition causing PSA levels to rise. For this reason, age-based thresholds, shown in Table 1, can be used to decide if a test result is abnormal. The percentage Free to Total PSA (described below) also gives an indication whether raised PSA is due to benign enlargement.

A temporary rise in the PSA can be caused by a number of conditions 1. Urinary infection, prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), or a biopsy of the prostate can cause large rises while small rises can be caused by ejaculation and even bicycle riding. Because of these non-cancer causes of PSA rises, it is not surprising that if you have an abnormally high test result, it may not be due to prostate cancer. The chance that you have prostate cancer is only about one in three.

Table 1 - Suggested upper limits of PSA for different age groups 2

Age (years) Serum PSA (ng/ml)

40 - 49 2.0

50 - 59 3.0

60 - 69 4.0

70 - 79 5.5

Note: These levels are used only as a guide. It is possible to have prostate cancer and have a PSA level in the normal range, although this is uncommon.

If, in addition to the PSA test, you have a rectal examination, and it also is abnormal, your chances of having prostate cancer are higher, (one in two).

Other ways of measuring PSA have been developed in an effort to make the test more specific for prostate cancer. One of these is called the "Free to Total" PSA. This is a ratio, expressed as a percent. Much of the PSA in the blood is bound to protein, including that produced by cancer cells. But men with benign prostate enlargement have higher levels of free (unbound) PSA and so a higher Free to Total ratio. If the total PSA level is abnormal, the Free to Total PSA ratio will give an idea of whether the rise is due to benign disease or cancer. Cancer is more likely if the Free to Total percentage is below 10% 2. This test is available and widely used throughout Australia.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Prostate specific antigen - PSA test

Serine protease is an enzyme that is produced in the prostate. The levels of this enzyme, which is commonly known as prostate specific antigen and abbreviated to PSA, can be used to gauge the likelihood that the patient has developed prostate cancer. The PSA test is generally taken in parallel with the digital rectal examination to ensure more accurate diagnosis.

Men normally have a low level of PSA in the blood stream; levels of PSA can become elevated if prostate function is disrupted. Elevated PSA levels alone are not necessary an indicator of cancer, as infections of the prostate and benign growths may also lead to leakage of PSA into the bloodstream. Other factors that increase the prostate specific antigen levels in a test include recent ejaculation and bike riding. In fact it has been recorded many times that patients with a high PSA score do not have cancerous growth of the prostate. The levels of PSA are also very dependent upon age and the size of the prostate, generally older people and larger prostates result in a naturally higher level of PSA’s. Conversely many drugs, such as those given to combat benign prostate hyperplasia can lead to a lowering of PSA levels and hence mask detection of cancerous growth.

what affects psa test?

We know that PSA mainly by the prostate gland has differentiated columnar epithelium secreting cells, prostate inflammation can destroy the prostate ductal and the original integrity of physical barriers,

Within the duct and acinar PSA leaking into the blood circulation, so that some of prostatitis patients showed increased serum PSA phenomenon.

Therefore, many scholars of the studies have shown that elevated serum PSA or PSAD in damage primarily to the degree of prostate tissue,

With the degree of inflammation within the prostate, and which is not directly related to,although the degree of prostate inflammation may be associated with prostate tissue injury.

We found that ? A type of serum PSA levels in patients with prostatitis was significantly higher than the normal control group.

With the increase in the number of EPS in the WBC, serum PSA level gradually increased,

But there is no significant difference, which may be due to fewer cases of this observation, but haven't been found the differences between the two.

The PSA level is related to the prostate volume, age, race, reagents, biopsy, and many other factors.

There is a wide range of different findings, some of which are mutually contradictory, and research is also related to differences in methods and patient selection.

However, now widely been recognized that not all patients with prostatitis had serum PSA levels appear higher.

Because prostatitis can increase serum PSA in the absence of any clinical symptoms, serum PSA levels were significantly higher in men, almost half have evidence of the existence of prostate tissue inflammation, which can cause clinical infection also increased serum PSA levels.

Therefore, elevated serum PSA levels of men, first of all a simple and convenient routine screening for the existence of prostatitis is needed, in particular, to see if whether there is no clinical symptoms of prostatitis.

After a clear diagnosis of prostatitis, you can provide an effective anti-infection treatment, allowing a gradual reduction of serum PSA levels, which can be extended to prostate biopsy,.

Repeated or not repeated prostate biopsy, or no need for biopsy. This will not only improve diagnosis of prostate cancer, prostate PSA and the degree of tissue injury has some relevance, The prostatic epithelial cells in the extent of damage and the degree of inflammatory cell infiltration, EPS microscopy in the number of WBC may reflect the extent of this infiltration, thus indirectly reflects the degree of glandular infringement.

Therefore, the number of WBC in EPS and serum PSA levels have a certain correlation, and confirmed by clinical practice.

And that's what affects psa test.

But it is not clear for the serum PSA levels and the relationship between the number of WBC in EPS, because these two effects is with the same type of receptor generated.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There Are Limits To The Prostate Cancer (PSA) Test

This article is written to provide information about the Prostate Cancer PSA test, both positive and negative.

The Federal Drug Administration approved the PSA test to be used with a rectal exam to detect prostate cancer. The PSA is just one tool a doctor has available to detect prostate cancer if a man is not showing any other symptoms of prostate problems. The PSA can detect small tumors but it does not actually reduce the chances of a man dying of prostate cancer. The test may detect slow-growing tumors but if the cancer is aggressive and has already spread to other parts of body, the PSA test may not help.

The Prostate Cancer PSA test may also give a false positive result because the levels may be high but there is no cancer present. If a patient gets a result that shows a positive high-level it may mean he will be sent for more medical procedures. These procedures have some risks and some of these tests are expensive. The financial costs of these tests can cause extra anxiety for the patient and the patients family. Most men who have high levels of PSA are found not to have cancer. Only 25-30 percent of those patients who have high levels of PSA are later found to have cancer after having a biopsy.

There is also a possibility that a patient may receive a false negative test results. This means the Prostate Cancer PSA test will come back as negative or normal when the patient has cancer. Most prostate cancer cases are slow growing and a patient may even have cancer for many years before it is detected. The cancer will gradually grow and when they are large enough will result in symptoms.

There is a controversy about the use of the PSA test. It has not been shown that it actually saves lives and there is still a debate about having follow-up tests and cancer treatments. The Prostate Cancer PSA test can detect small cancer cells that may never grow large enough to cause a problem. If tests and surgeries follow, they may cause added medical problems that could have been avoided. This may put men at risk for over treatment. Surgery and radiation could be avoided if the cancer is not growing or likely to grow.

A prostate biopsy is a normal follow up procedure and there are risks involved with this procedure. Bleeding and infection can occur and prostate cancer treatments may cause erectile dysfunction and urine incontinence. All of these risks should be considered when deciding to have additional screening or treatment after a high PSA test result.

Research is still being done to decide if yearly PSA tests will result in a decreased risk of dying of prostate cancer. The National Cancer Institute

is conducting screenings right now to see if some screening tests do reduce the number of deaths caused by prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer. It will be several years before the results of this study are complete. Scientists and researchers are searching for ways to see the difference in benign or malignant and fast or slow growing cancers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What are some of the limitations of the PSA test?

* Detecting tumors does not always mean saving lives: When used in screening, the PSA test can detect small tumors. However, finding a small tumor does not necessarily reduce a man's chances of dying from prostate cancer. PSA testing may identify very slow-growing tumors that are unlikely to threaten a man's life. Also, PSA testing may not help a man with a fast-growing or aggressive cancer that has already spread to other parts of his body before being detected.

* False-positive tests: False-positive test results (also called false positives) occur when the PSA level is elevated but no cancer is actually present. False positives may lead to additional medical procedures that have potential risks and significant financial costs and can create anxiety for the patient and his family. Most men with an elevated PSA test result turn out not to have cancer; only 25 to 35 percent of men who have a biopsy due to an elevated PSA level actually have prostate cancer (3).

* False-negative tests: False-negative test results (also called false negatives) occur when the PSA level is in the normal range even though prostate cancer is actually present. Most prostate cancers are slow-growing and may exist for decades before they are large enough to cause symptoms. Subsequent PSA tests may indicate a problem before the disease progresses significantly.

PSA Velocity's Clinical Usefulness Remains Unclear

ScienceDaily (Oct. 10, 2007) — Some studies have suggested that the rate of change of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels may correspond with prostate cancer survival. But this does not necessarily mean that PSA velocity will be valuable as a prostate cancer screening tool, according to a commentary published online October 9 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

PSA velocity has been the subject of much research and debate since the beginning of the PSA screening era. Initially, PSA velocity was proposed for use in men with moderately elevated PSA levels in order to decrease the number of unnecessary biopsies. But often PSA velocity is being used in men with low PSA levels, effectively increasing the number of men who are referred to have a biopsy.

Ruth Etzioni, Ph.D., of the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle and colleagues reviewed several recent articles on PSA velocity. They point out in their commentary the important differences between studies of PSA velocity in the cancer screening setting and studies of PSA velocity and prostate cancer progression after diagnosis. These differences lead them to question whether PSA velocity is useful for early detection of prostate cancer.

No studies to date have addressed the costs and benefits of using PSA velocity for prostate cancer screening. "One of the main goals of this commentary has been to reconcile some of the inconsistencies across studies by highlighting features of study design and potential sources of bias that might explain why different types of studies have produced differing results," the authors write.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Prostate-Specific Antigen Blood Test (PSA Test)

What Is It?

The prostate-specific antigen blood test (PSA test) is a screening test that measures the amount of a chemical called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a man's blood. PSA is a chemical made by the prostate, a sex gland located near a man's bladder that makes the fluid in semen. PSA levels normally increase as a man ages, but a higher-than-normal PSA level can mean that cancer has developed in the prostate gland. However, high levels of PSA also can be found in other conditions that are noncancerous, including prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and benign prostatic hyperplasia, an enlargement of the prostate that affects many older men.

What It's Used For

PSA is used mainly as a screening test for cancer of the prostate. In men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, PSA is measured to determine if the cancer has returned after surgery or whether the cancer is growing or shrinking after treatment with hormones or radiation.

The question of whether to do screening tests for prostate cancer remains controversial. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer death in this group. PSA testing can be used to detect the earliest stage of prostate cancer, before the disease causes any symptoms. Many experts believe that PSA testing is the best way to reduce a man's chance of dying of prostate cancer. This is because the early stages of prostate cancer are much more likely to be curable.

However, other experts fear that if PSA is overused, some men will be diagnosed and treated for cancers that have little potential to cause harm. Many older men develop prostate cancer that never spreads and never causes any problems. Most of these harmless cancers would go undetected if screening was not done. Since treatment for prostate cancer can have serious side effects, screening all men for prostate cancer might end up causing more harm than good. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to determine in advance which cancers need treatment and which are likely to be harmless.

Studies are being done that will help to settle this controversy. In the meantime, most expert panels that make recommendations about cancer screening do not recommend routine PSA testing for all older men. Instead, they encourage men who are at risk of the disease to make an individual decision about screening, after they have discussed the risks and benefits with their health care professionals.

A man who decides to undergo screening for prostate cancer might think the following:

"The PSA test is the best way to protect myself from prostate cancer. Even if it saves one life, it is worth the uncertainty and all of the possible side effects of treatment. I'm one of those people who just likes to know."

A man who chooses not to be screened might think this way:

"No one is sure if screening really helps, and it may actually lead to unnecessary treatment. I think I'll wait until we know more."

For men who want to be screened for prostate cancer, the PSA test usually is combined with a digital rectal exam. Most experts recommend that screening be done every one to two years, beginning at age 50. Men with an increased risk of prostate cancer may wish to begin screening at age 45. This includes African-American men, who have a 70 percent higher rate of prostate cancer than white men, and men whose father or brother has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

PSA testing is likely to be less useful in men older than age 75 and men who have serious medical problems or other reasons for a limited life expectancy. This is because it may take a decade or more for prostate cancer to grow from the stage at which it can be first detected to the point where it causes symptoms or harm.


Ejaculation can cause your PSA to rise briefly, so you should avoid sexual activity for at least 48 hours before having your PSA level tested. Since blood for your PSA test probably will be taken from your arm, wear a shirt or sweater with sleeves that roll up easily. If you recently have had cystoscopy or needle biopsy of the prostate, let your doctor know so you can schedule your PSA test at another time. Those exams can raise PSA levels for a few weeks, which may make it harder to interpret the result of your PSA test. PSA testing also should not be done until several weeks after you have been treated for a urinary tract infection.

How It's Done

Blood for a PSA test usually is drawn from a vein in the crook of your elbow. The area from which blood will be taken will be cleaned with an alcohol swab, and a sterile needle will be used to draw a few ounces of blood into a tube. The puncture site will be covered with a small gauze or bandage. Your blood sample will be sent to a lab where the PSA level is measured.


Call your doctor for your PSA test results about one week after your blood has been drawn. If your result is abnormal, your doctor may recommend further blood tests or additional testing, such as a prostate ultrasound or a biopsy of the prostate.


Having your blood drawn is a simple procedure and there are few, if any, risks. However, when used as a screening test, PSA does have some risks, including:

* A risk that your PSA test will be abnormal and that you will need to undergo further testing, such as a prostate biopsy. Keep in mind that as many as three-quarters of men with an elevated PSA level do not have prostate cancer. However, many men who are told that their PSA test is abnormal will have some anxiety until final results are available.

* A risk that screening will lead to treatment for prostate cancer that may or may not be necessary, but that may cause serious side effects.

* A risk that your PSA level will be normal even if you do have prostate cancer.

Be sure to discuss these risks and the benefits of PSA testing with your doctor before you have your blood drawn.

When To Call A Professional

Call your doctor if blood continues to ooze from the needle puncture site or if the site becomes red, swollen or painful.

Prostate Cancer Gene Test Provides New Early Detection

ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2008) — Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male cancers in the Western world. Currently, early detection of PCa depends on an abnormal digital rectal examination and an elevated prostate-specific-antigen (PSA) level requiring a prostate biopsy, often associated with anxiety, discomfort, complications, and heavy expenses.

The prostate-cancer-gene-3 (PCA3) test is a new PCa gene-based marker carried out with a urine sample. PCA3 is highly specific to PCa and has shown promising early detection results at repeat biopsy. It may allow patients to avoid unnecessary biopsies. The PCA3 gene is dominant in over 95% of malignant prostate tissue compared to benign and normal prostate tissue.

Several studies have been done to evaluate the PCA3 assay. In 2007, Marks et al showed that urine PCA3 levels were more accurate than serum PSA measurements for predicting the results of repeat biopsy (Marks LS, Fradet Y, Deras IL, et al. PCA3 molecular urine assay for prostate cancer in men undergoing repeat biopsy. Urology 2007; 69:532–5).

In the October 2008 issue of European Urology, Haese et al took the study by Marks et al even further in their evaluation of the PCA3 assay in a larger population of European men with one or two negative biopsies scheduled for repeat biopsy in order to determine its effectiveness in detecting PCa at repeat biopsy.

The PCA3 score was calculated and compared to biopsy outcome. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 assay was compared to the percentage of free prostate-specific antigen (%fPSA). Most of the PSA that circulates in the serum is attached to larger protein substances, so called 'complexed' PSA. The rest of the PSA is unbound or 'free'. Research suggests that PSA created by prostate cancer is more likely to be the 'complexed' type while non-cancerous or benign PSA is more the 'free' type.

In 463 men, the positive repeat biopsy rate was 28%. The probability of a positive repeat biopsy increases with rising PCA3 scores. The PCA3 score was superior to %fPSA for predicting repeat prostate biopsy outcome and may be indicative of clinical stage and significance of PCa.

The utility of the PCA3 score is independent of the number of previous biopsies, prostate volume, and total PSA.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

PSA - what is it?

PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen is a protein which is secreted into ejaculate fluid by the healthy prostate. One of its functions is to aid sperm movement. Normally, only very low levels of the enzyme are able to enter the blood stream. However, because in cancer the normal structure of the tissue is disrupted, considerably more PSA is able to leak into the blood stream, and for this reason, a raised level of PSA in blood (or serum) can indicate the presence of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer - the Psa Test Could Save your Life

What is PSA?

PSA is prostate specific antigen. PSA is a protease (protein) secreted the prostate gland. Its levels in the blood are elevated in men with both benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. PSA is now an accepted and routine screening test for prostate cancer.

The PSA Test

PSA presence in the blood is very low, so its detection requires a very sensitive type of technology.

The test uses the monoclonal antibody technique. The PSA protein exists both in the blood by itself, and joined with other substances. By itself, it is free PSA, and joined with other substances, bound PSA.

The term ‘Total PSA’ is the total both forms. The PSA test gives the result of the Total PSA

Results of the PSA Test

The highest normal level of Total PSA is 4 nanograms per milliliter, or ng/mL. Statistics show men’s prostate gland will generally increases in size and produces more PSA with increasing age.

Therefore aging has a great role in the actual results of the test. However, doctors would be concerned with anyone who had a result of over 4.5 ng/mL, and would generally do a biopsy to determine physically if cancer were present

Specific Use of the PSA Test for Cancer

Doctors are using the PSA test now in two ways. First as a screening test to determine elevated PSA levels (which might indicate cancer, but can also indicate other conditions as well), or as a monitor test for those who are known to have prostate cancer.

With the screening technique, any increased levels over 4.5 ng/mL require further investigation. As a monitoring test, high levels of PSA can indicate the growing or reducing threat of cancer.

However an abnormal result also can indicate a recurrence of prostate cancer following therapy.

For example, in men with a surgically removed prostate gland (prostatectomy), where all of the cancer was contained, a PSA test should result in 0. However, if in these men the PSA test is positive or shows increasing levels, it shows the cancer was not successfully removed and / or it has spread.

PSA Also Can Show Non-Cancerous Conditions

The PSA test result can indicate conditions other than cancer.

Often a higher PSA test result indicates benign prostatic hypertrophy, which his enlargement or hyperplasia of the prostate gland. These conditions are due to an increase aging in certain men.

Also infection of the prostate gland, known as prostatitis, will cause an abnormal elevation of PSA.

There are other conditions also which can result in higher levels of PSA that are non-cancerous.

In each case however, the doctor will first perform a biopsy to determine if cancer cells are present.

The Free PSA Test

Free PSA in the blood exists as well as bound PSA, and there is now a test for Free PSA. Studies have shown that levels of free PSA decrease in men with prostate cancer.

The Free PSA levels in men with benign conditions will not decrease. Levels of Free PSA differ from test procedure to test procedure, but in any case, it is a good indication of the presence of cancer if the levels are shown to be decreasing.

Who Should Test for PSA

Any many over 40 years old now should test for PSA. Every man over 50 must test for PSA to insure that if there is a problem, it can be treated early. Consult your physician if this article concerns you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Other forms of PSA testing

New forms of the PSA blood test make it more accurate in diagnosing prostate cancer. One such test is the ‘free to total’ PSA test. In both healthy men and those with prostate cancer, the prostate specific antigen in the bloodstream latches onto protein. In men with benign prostatic enlargement, the prostate specific antigen tends to be free of protein.

The ‘free to total’ PSA test compares the amount of ‘bound’ to ‘unbound’ PSA to see whether the raised levels are caused by prostate cancer or benign disease. The probability of cancer is higher if the ‘free to total’ ratio is less than 20–25 per cent.

The rate of change of PSA (PSA velocity) can also be helpful in finding prostate cancer. In men with PSA above 4ng/ml, a velocity of greater than 0.75ng/ml/yr is thought to indicate a higher risk of cancer. This threshold may be lower in men with a PSA below 4ng/ml.

Monitoring cancer

After a diagnosis of cancer, regular PSA blood tests are also used to monitor the cancer activity in a man’s body. Generally, prostate cancer prompts higher and higher levels of blood-borne PSA as it grows. Regular blood tests can indicate whether the tumour is shrinking or enlarging and if the current treatment is working or not.

Where to get help

* Your doctor

* Urologist

* Cancer Council of Victoria, Information and Support Service Tel. 13 11 20

Things to remember

* A normal prostate gland secretes small amounts of a protein called prostate specific antigen (PSA) into the ejaculate and blood.

* Prostate cancer usually causes large amounts of PSA to enter the blood.

* The PSA blood test can detect prostate cancer at an early stage, before it causes symptoms and when it can be removed.

* An abnormal PSA test result can have a number of non-cancer causes. Other tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

* Prostate cancer testing and treatment is less likely to have a benefit in older men, particularly those over the age of 75 years.

Prostate cancer and the PSA test

A PSA blood test can be used to help diagnose prostate cancer at an early stage, before it causes symptoms and when it can be removed. The normal prostate gland makes a protein called prostate specific antigen (PSA). This protein helps to nourish sperm and only tiny amounts of PSA leech into the bloodstream. However, cancer cells in the prostate interfere with proper functioning and cause large amounts of PSA to enter the blood.

When high levels of PSA are detected in the bloodstream, this may indicate cancer. Other tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis, however, because an abnormal PSA test can have a number of non-cancer causes.

Normal PSA levels

The prostate slowly enlarges with age and the production of PSA will also rise. Generally, the healthy upper limits of PSA levels in the blood increase with age. One study suggests they may be between 2 and 5.6ng/ml (nanograms per millilitre) in men over 40 years. It is usually recommended that a PSA greater than 4ng/ml should be followed up with further tests.

Other factors that influence PSA levels

Prostate cancer is diagnosed using a range of tests, including the PSA blood test. The PSA blood test isn’t conclusive. It is possible, although rare, to have prostate cancer without raised PSA levels in the blood. A higher than normal PSA level doesn’t automatically indicate prostate cancer either. A high PSA level is due to cancer in around one in three cases.

PSA can be raised by other factors, including:

* Infection of the prostate (prostatitis)

* Benign prostatic enlargement (BPE).

For this reason, the PSA blood test isn’t used in isolation when checking for prostate cancer.

Tests – apart from PSA

Other diagnostic tests for prostate cancer include:

* Digital rectal examination (DRE) – the doctor feels for enlargement of the prostate gland or other changes.

* Biopsy – small samples of tissue are removed from the prostate and examined.

If cancer is diagnosed, further tests may be needed to determine the stage of progression of the cancer. These may include a bone scan, a computed tomography (CT) scan or a pelvic lymph node dissection.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just say no to the PSA prostate cancer test.(prostate-specific antigen)

"Studies Fail to Settle Prostate Screening Debate" (Boston Globe); "Prostate Screening Saves Lives" (BBC). "Prostate Cancer Screening May Not Reduce Deaths" (Washington Post).

These are just some of the headlines for the big health story last month about the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) screening blood test. The results from two long awaited clinical trials were released early and simultaneously by The New England Journal of Medicine on March 18. Despite the seemingly conflicting messages of these sample headlines, it is now clear that symptomless men should consider refusing this test.

The larger of the two trials was conducted in several European countries. It found that the lifesaving benefit of PSA screening is far more modest than previously thought ... and the risk of harm is very high. For every 1,400 men who regularly had a PSA screening test over the ten-year period of the European trial, one man avoided death from prostate cancer and 47 men were treated unnecessarily for a cancer that did not progress. The risks of treatment include urinary incontinence, bowel problems, and impotence. Otis W. Brawley, MD, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, summed up the findings this way: "The test is about 50 times more likely to ruin your life than it is to save your life."

The other trial was U.S. government-funded and, unlike the European trial, it showed no reduction in prostate cancer deaths. The predictable and disturbing finding from both trials is this--many more prostate cancers were diagnosed in the men who were screened with the PSA test than in those who were not. Few men opt for the "wait and see" approach once a PSA test, biopsy and other tests indicate the presence of cancer.

The debate over the PSA test is expected to continue, largely because flaws can be found in virtually all trials. For example, the U.S. trial had less than half the number of participants of the European trial (162,000), which some believe may account for the absence of a lifesaving benefit. In the U.S. trial, men were randomly assigned to annual PSA tests plus a digital rectal examination (screened group) OR what is known as usual care.

Given the fact that the PSA test has been aggressively marketed as a lifesaving test to doctors and the general public for the last 20 years, usual care in the U.S. involves a doctor recommending a PSA test. It is considered unethical to ask men in the unscreened control group not to have a PSA, and a large portion of them in the U.S. trial-38% to 52%--had the test. Western European countries put up barriers to the marketing of an unproven test to the public. In the U.S., most men over age 50 have regular PSA tests; in the U.K., where the National Health Service does not recommend PSA testing, only about 6% of men have had a PSA test because they requested one.

Treatment-Related Deaths?

There was a troubling finding from the U.S. trial that did not get media attention last month--it involves the deaths from the prostate cancer treatment itself. When the authors of this trial looked solely at the participants who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in the 10-year period of the trial, there were 312 men in the PSA screening group and 225 men in the unscreened control group who had died from causes other than prostate cancer. The unexpectedly higher number of deaths in the screened group, say the authors, is "possibly" related to treatment of non-progressive cancer.

The question that no one seems to be asking at this time is: Why was the PSA screening test allowed to become so widespread when it cannot identify which prostate cancers are aggressive and lethal? And no test currently exists that can make that distinction accurately.

Cancer screening tests are approved by the FDA on the basis of an outdated understanding of cancer, i.e. all cancers are deadly; finding cancer early is always good. All a company has to do is prove its product can find symptomless cancer. The success of any screening test, however, should not be based on how many cancers it can find but how many deaths can be avoided. And most important, the chance of avoiding death should be far greater than the chance of serious harm as a result of the test itself. The PSA screening test fails on both counts.

What to do:

-Read more about the U.S. trial at the Web site of the National Cancer Institute which is its sponsor. See the press release entitled, "U.S. Cancer Screening Trial Shows no Early Mortality Benefit for Annual Prostate Cancer Screening" (www.cancer.gov/newscenter). Free access to both trials at the New England Journal of Medicine Web site (www.nejm.org). See the March 26, 2009 issue.

-Inform yourself. Try to get as much information about prostate cancer, early detection, and the PSA test from sources other than hospitals and doctors who treat prostate cancer. The National Cancer Institute is one place to start (www.cancer.gov).

-Be aware of the fact that some men are given the PSA test without their knowledge. It is often automatically added in with the standard blood test for cholesterol, etc. If you decide to forego a PSA test, make your wishes known before you are given a blood test.

-Recognize that fear-mongering with statistics is essential to cancer screening promotion. Prostate cancer may in fact be the second leading cause of cancer death in men, but it accounts for only 3% of all deaths. No prostate screening campaign is likely to flip that statistic around to tell men that 97% of them will not die of prostate cancer. And the 20% reduction in prostate cancer deaths shown in the PSA screened group in the European study. Here's what it means: The man who regularly has a PSA test over the course of the next ten years will reduce his risk of dying of prostate cancer from 3% to 2.4%.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Information about the PSA Test and its use in Prostate Cancer from the BC Cancer Agency

The PSA test is a blood test that measures a substance produced by the prostate, called prostate specific antigen (PSA). There are 3 potential uses for PSA:

1. PSA may be used for monitoring of established prostate cancer and metastatic disease (spread of prostate cancer) or detection of early recurrence of prostate cancer, where prostate cancer is already known.

2. PSA may be used as a diagnostic adjunct in combination with other tests for early detection of prostate cancer in symptomatic men with:

* Urinary symptoms

* Suspicious digital rectal examination findings

The standard method of early detection for prostate cancer is the digital rectal examination (DRE) which should be done annually in fit men 50-70 years or if obstructive or other urinary tract symptoms are present.

3. Screening tool for all men

* PSA testing is of unknown value as a population screening test. Although there is good evidence that it increases the detection rate of early stage, clinically significant prostate cancers, there is little evidence to date that such early detection leads to reduced mortality; the "gold standard" for evaluating screening tests.

Fit men, age 50-70 (men with at least 10 years life expectancy) should be made aware of the potential benefits and risks of early detection so that they can make an informed decision as to whether to have the test performed.

Accuracy of PSA Tests---Part 2

Many Factors Elevate and Lower PSA Results

What Lowers PSA Test Results

Other factors can artificially lower the PSA level.

* Certain medications used to control urinary problems from BPH and prostititis -- such as finasteride or dustasteride, which are prescription medications, or saw palmetto, an over-the-counter herbal remedy – can lower PSA levels by as much as 50 percent.

* New research shows that men who use common painkillers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and aspirin on a regular basis had PSA levels that were about 10 percent lower than the men who did not use them. (HealthNews, Sept 11, 2008)

* A lowering effect was seen for regular use of acetaminophen (Tylenol), although it did not reach statistical significance. (HealthDay, September 8, 2008)

Read more at Suite101: Accuracy of PSA Tests: Many Factors Elevate and Lower PSA Results | Suite101.com http://cancer.suite101.com/article.cfm/accuracy_of_psa_tests#ixzz0a0qYNDCL

What is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. The doctor takes a blood sample, and the amount of PSA is measured in a laboratory. Because PSA is produced by the body and can be used to detect disease, it is sometimes called a biological marker or a tumor marker.

It is normal for men to have a low level of PSA in their blood; however, prostate cancer or benign (not cancerous) conditions can increase a man’s PSA level. As men age, both benign prostate conditions and prostate cancer become more common. The most frequent benign prostate conditions are prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (enlargement of the prostate). There is no evidence that prostatitis or BPH causes cancer, but it is possible for a man to have one or both of these conditions and to develop prostate cancer as well.

A man’s PSA level alone does not give doctors enough information to distinguish between benign prostate conditions and cancer. However, the doctor will take the result of the PSA test into account when deciding whether to check further for signs of prostate cancer.

Why is the PSA test performed?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of the PSA test along with a digital rectal exam (DRE) to help detect prostate cancer in men 50 years of age or older. During a DRE, a doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the prostate gland through the rectal wall to check for bumps or abnormal areas. Doctors often use the PSA test and DRE as prostate cancer screening tests; together, these tests can help doctors detect prostate cancer in men who have no symptoms of the disease.

The FDA has also approved the use of the PSA test to monitor patients who have a history of prostate cancer to see if the cancer has recurred (come back). If a man’s PSA level begins to rise, it may be the first sign of recurrence. Such a “biochemical relapse” typically precedes clinical signs and symptoms of a relapse by months or years. However, a single elevated PSA measurement in a patient with a history of prostate cancer does not always mean the cancer has come back. A man who has been treated for prostate cancer should discuss an elevated PSA level with his doctor. The doctor may recommend repeating the PSA test or performing other tests to check for evidence of a recurrence. The doctor may look for a trend of rising PSA measurements over time rather than a single elevated PSA level.

It is important to note that a man who is receiving hormone therapy for prostate cancer may have a low PSA level during, or immediately after, treatment. The low level may not be a true measure of the man’s PSA level. Men receiving hormone therapy should talk with their doctor, who may advise them to wait a few months after hormone treatment before having a PSA test.

For whom might a PSA screening test be recommended?

Doctors’ recommendations for screening vary. Some encourage yearly screening for men over age 50, and some advise men who are at a higher risk for prostate cancer to begin screening at age 40 or 45. Others caution against routine screening. Although specific recommendations regarding PSA screening vary, there is general agreement that men should be informed about the potential risks and benefits of PSA screening before being tested. Currently, Medicare provides coverage for an annual PSA test for all men age 50 and older.

Several risk factors increase a man’s chances of developing prostate cancer. These factors may be taken into consideration when a doctor recommends screening. Age is the most common risk factor, with nearly 63 percent of prostate cancer cases occurring in men age 65 and older (1). Other risk factors for prostate cancer include family history, race, and possibly diet. Men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer have a greater chance of developing prostate cancer. African American men have the highest rate of prostate cancer, while Asian and Native American men have the lowest rates. In addition, there is some evidence that a diet higher in fat, especially animal fat, may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

How are PSA test results reported?

PSA test results show the level of PSA detected in the blood. These results are usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. In the past, most doctors considered a PSA level below 4.0 ng/mL as normal. In one large study, however, prostate cancer was diagnosed in 15.2 percent of men with a PSA level at or below 4.0 ng/mL (2). Fifteen percent of these men, or approximately 2.3 percent overall, had high-grade cancers (2). In another study, 25 to 35 percent of men who had a PSA level between 4.1 and 9.9 ng/mL and who underwent a prostate biopsy were found to have prostate cancer, meaning that 65 to 75 percent of the remaining men did not have prostate cancer (3).

Thus, there is no specific normal or abnormal PSA level. In addition, various factors, such as inflammation (e.g., prostatitis), can cause a man’s PSA level to fluctuate. It is also common for PSA values to vary somewhat from laboratory to laboratory. Consequently, one abnormal PSA test result does not necessarily indicate the need for a prostate biopsy. In general, however, the higher a man’s PSA level, the more likely it is that cancer is present. Furthermore, if a man’s PSA level continues to rise over time, other tests may be needed.

Because PSA levels tend to increase with age, the use of age-specific PSA reference ranges has been suggested as a way of increasing the accuracy of PSA tests. However, age-specific reference ranges have not been generally favored because their use may lead to missing or delaying the detection of prostate cancer in as many as 20 percent of men in their 60s and 60 percent of men in their 70s. Another complicating factor is that studies to establish the normal range of PSA values have been conducted primarily in white men. Although expert opinions vary, there is no clear consensus on the optimal PSA threshold for recommending a prostate biopsy for men of any racial or ethnic group.

# What if the screening test results show an elevated PSA level?

A man should discuss an elevated PSA test result with his doctor. There can be different reasons for an elevated PSA level, including prostate cancer, benign prostate enlargement, inflammation, infection, age, and race.

If no symptoms to suggest cancer are present, the doctor may recommend repeating DRE and PSA tests regularly to watch for any changes. If a man’s PSA level has been increasing or if a suspicious lump is detected during a DRE, the doctor may recommend other tests to determine if there is cancer or another problem in the prostate. A urine test may be used to detect a urinary tract infection or blood in the urine. The doctor may recommend imaging tests, such as a transrectal ultrasound (a test in which high-frequency sound waves are used to obtain images of the rectum and nearby structures, including the prostate), x-rays, or cystoscopy (a procedure in which a doctor looks into the urethra and the bladder through a thin, lighted tube that is inserted through the end of the penis; this can help determine whether urinary blockage is caused by an enlarged prostate). Medicine or surgery may be recommended if the problem is BPH or an infection.

If cancer is suspected, a biopsy is needed to determine whether cancer is present in the prostate. During a biopsy, samples of prostate tissue are removed, usually with a needle, and viewed under a microscope. The doctor may use ultrasound to view the prostate during the biopsy, but ultrasound cannot be used alone to tell if cancer is present.

What if the test results show a rising PSA level after treatment for prostate cancer?

A man should discuss rising PSA test results with his doctor. Doctors consider a number of factors before recommending further treatment. Additional treatment based on a single PSA test result is often not recommended. Rather, a rising trend in PSA test results over a period of time combined with other findings, such as an abnormal DRE, positive prostate biopsy results, or abnormal CT (computed tomography) scan results, may lead to a recommendation for further treatment.

According to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology for Prostate Cancer (4), additional treatment may be indicated based on the following PSA test results:

* For men who have been in the watchful waiting phase—their PSA level has doubled in fewer than 3 years or they have a PSA velocity (change in PSA level over time) of greater than 0.75 ng/mL per year, or they have a prostate biopsy showing evidence of worsening cancer (4).

* For men who have had a radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland)—their PSA level does not fall below the limits of detection after surgery or they have a detectable PSA level (> 0.3 ng/mL) that increases on two or more subsequent measurements after having no detectable PSA (4).

* For men who have had other initial therapy, such as radiation therapy with or without hormonal therapy—their PSA level has risen by 2 ng/mL or more after having no detectable PSA or a very low PSA level (4).

Please note that these are general guidelines. Prostate cancer is a complex disease and many variables need to be considered by each patient and his doctor.

What are some of the limitations of the PSA test?

* Detecting tumors does not always mean saving lives: When used in screening, the PSA test can detect small tumors. However, finding a small tumor does not necessarily reduce a man's chances of dying from prostate cancer. PSA testing may identify very slow-growing tumors that are unlikely to threaten a man's life. Also, PSA testing may not help a man with a fast-growing or aggressive cancer that has already spread to other parts of his body before being detected.

* False-positive tests: False-positive test results (also called false positives) occur when the PSA level is elevated but no cancer is actually present. False positives may lead to additional medical procedures that have potential risks and significant financial costs and can create anxiety for the patient and his family. Most men with an elevated PSA test result turn out not to have cancer; only 25 to 35 percent of men who have a biopsy due to an elevated PSA level actually have prostate cancer (3).

* False-negative tests: False-negative test results (also called false negatives) occur when the PSA level is in the normal range even though prostate cancer is actually present. Most prostate cancers are slow-growing and may exist for decades before they are large enough to cause symptoms. Subsequent PSA tests may indicate a problem before the disease progresses significantly.

Why is the PSA test controversial in screening?

Using the PSA test to screen men for prostate cancer is controversial because it is not yet known for certain whether this test actually saves lives. Moreover, it is not clear that the benefits of PSA screening outweigh the risks of follow-up diagnostic tests and cancer treatments. For example, the PSA test may detect small cancers that would never become life threatening. This situation, called overdiagnosis, puts men at risk of complications from unnecessary treatment.

The procedure used to diagnose prostate cancer (prostate biopsy) may cause harmful side effects, including bleeding and infection. Prostate cancer treatments, such as surgery and radiation therapy, may cause incontinence (inability to control urine flow), erectile dysfunction (erections inadequate for intercourse), and other complications. For these reasons, it is important that the benefits and risks of diagnostic procedures and treatment be taken into account when considering whether to undertake prostate cancer screening.

What research is being done to validate and improve the PSA test?

The benefits of screening for prostate cancer are still being studied. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), a component of the National Institutes of Health, is currently conducting the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial, or PLCO trial, to determine whether certain screening tests can help reduce the number of deaths from these cancers. The PSA test and DRE are being evaluated to determine whether yearly screening to detect prostate cancer will decrease a man’s chances of dying from this disease.

Initial results from the trial showed that annual PSA testing for 6 years and annual DRE testing for 4 years (performed in the same years as the first four PSA tests) did not reduce the number of deaths from prostate cancer through a median follow-up period of 11.5 years (range 7.2 to 14.8 years) (5). At 7 years of follow-up, a point in time when follow-up of the participants was essentially complete, 23 percent more cancers had been diagnosed in the screening group than in the control group. In the control group, men were randomly assigned to “usual care.”

These results suggest that many men were diagnosed with, and treated for, cancers that would not have been detected in their lifetime without screening and, as a consequence, were exposed to the potential harms of unnecessary treatments, such as surgery and radiation therapy. Nevertheless, it remains possible that a small benefit from the earlier detection of these “excess” cancers could emerge with longer follow-up. Follow-up of the PLCO participants will continue, therefore, until all participants have been followed for at least 13 years.

In contrast, initial results from another large randomized, controlled trial of prostate cancer screening, called the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC), found a 20 percent reduction in prostate cancer deaths associated with PSA testing every 4 years (6). At the time the results were reported, the participants had been followed for a median of 9 years. The average number of PSA tests per participant in ERSPC was 2.1. Most participating centers in this study used a lower PSA cutoff value as an indicator of abnormality than was used in the PLCO trial (3.0 ng/mL versus 4.0 ng/mL). As in the PLCO trial, many more cancers were diagnosed in the screening group than in the control group. The ERSPC researchers estimated that 1,410 men would have to be screened and 48 additional cancers would have to be detected to prevent one death from prostate cancer (6).

Scientists are also researching ways to improve the PSA test, hopefully to allow cancerous and benign conditions, as well as slow-growing cancers and fast-growing, potentially lethal cancers, to be distinguished from one another. Some of the methods being studied include the following:

* PSA velocity: PSA velocity is the change in PSA level over time. A sharp rise in the PSA level raises the suspicion of cancer and may indicate a fast-growing cancer. A 2006 study found that men who had a PSA velocity above 0.35 ng/mL per year had a higher relative risk of dying from prostate cancer than men who had a PSA velocity less than 0.35 ng/mL per year (7). More studies are needed to determine if a high PSA velocity more accurately detects prostate cancer early.

* PSA density: PSA density considers the relationship between the level of PSA and the size of the prostate. In other words, an elevated PSA level might not arouse suspicion if a man has a very enlarged prostate. The use of PSA density to interpret PSA results is controversial because cancer might be overlooked in a man with an enlarged prostate.

* Free versus attached PSA: PSA circulates in the blood in two forms: Free or attached to a protein molecule. The free PSA test is more often used for men who have higher PSA values. Free PSA may help tell what kind of prostate problem a man has. With benign prostate conditions (such as BPH), there is more free PSA, while cancer produces more of the attached form. If a man’s attached PSA level is high but his free PSA level is not, the presence of cancer is more likely. In this case, more testing, such as a prostate biopsy, may be done. Researchers are exploring additional ways of measuring PSA and comparing these measurements to determine whether cancer is present.

* Alteration of PSA cutoff level: Some researchers have suggested lowering the cutoff levels used to determine whether a PSA measurement is normal or elevated. For example, a number of studies have used cutoff levels of 2.5 or 3.0 ng/mL (rather than 4.0 ng/mL). In such studies, PSA measurements above 2.5 or 3.0 ng/mL are considered elevated. Researchers hope that using these lower cutoff levels will increase the chance of detecting prostate cancer; however, this method may also increase overdiagnosis and false-positive test results and lead to unnecessary medical procedures. (See ERSPC trial results above.)

What other methods are being studied to detect prostate cancer?

Researchers are investigating several other ways to detect prostate cancer that could be used alone or together with the PSA test and DRE. Some of these include the following:

* MicroRNA patterns: MicroRNAs are small, single-strand molecules of ribonucleic acid (RNA) that regulate important cellular functions. Researchers have found that the pattern of microRNAs in a cell can differ depending on the type of cell and between healthy cells and abnormal cells, such as cancer cells. Some research also suggests that the microRNA patterns in early-stage prostate cancer and late-stage prostate cancer may be different.

* Non-mutation gene alterations: The activity of a gene can be altered in ways that do not involve a change (mutation) to its DNA code. This can occur by modifying the gene’s DNA through a process known as methylation or by modifying the proteins that bind to the gene and help control how it is configured in the chromosome on which it is located. These types of gene alterations are called epigenetic alterations. Research has already shown that certain genes become hypermethylated and inactivated during the development and progression of prostate cancer. Scientists hope to identify DNA methylation changes and protein modifications that will be able to identify prostate cancer early and help predict tumor behavior.

* Gene fusions: Sometimes genes on different chromosomes can come together inappropriately and fuse to form hybrid genes. These hybrid genes have been found in several types of cancer, including prostate cancer, and may play a role in cancer development. The gene fusions found in prostate cancer involve members of the ETS family of oncogenes, which are genes that cause cancer when mutated or expressed at higher than normal levels. Researchers are investigating whether diagnostic or prognostic tests based on gene fusions can be developed.

* PCA3: PCA3, also known as DD3, is a prostate-specific RNA that is reported to be expressed at high levels in prostate tumor cells. It does not appear to contain the genetic code for a protein. A urine test for this RNA, to be used in addition to current prostate cancer screening tests, has the potential to be useful and is under study.

* Differential detection of metabolites: Molecules produced by the body’s metabolic processes, or metabolites, may be able to help distinguish between benign prostate tissue, localized prostate cancer, and metastatic prostate cancer. One such molecule, known as sarcosine, has been identified and may be associated with prostate cancer’s invasiveness and aggressiveness. Ongoing research is investigating whether a test based on sarcosine can be developed.

* Proteo-imaging: Proteo-imaging is the ability to localize and follow changes at the molecular level, through imaging, of the protein distributions in specific tissues. Being able to see different patterns of protein expression in healthy prostate tissue versus abnormal prostate tissue may help classify early prostate changes that may one day lead to cancer.

* Protein patterns in the blood: Researchers are also studying patterns of proteins in the blood to see if they can identify one or more unique patterns that indicate the presence of prostate cancer and allow more aggressive cancers to be distinguished from less aggressive ones.