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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best Alternative Cancer Treatment

Best Alternative Cancer Treatment

Give me at least twenty minutes with any new cancer patient and I can turn that cancer patients frame of mind into one of pure love and positive healing energy, guaranteeing that patient that they already have the best alternative cancer treatment working now right along side their team of doctors. I do this with hypnosis.

In 2009 I treated over 100 patients who had cancer with hypnosis. Probably like you these patients all were down and quite negative about their dis-ease but the thing that I found most was that these people where like this their whole lives. Instantly hypnosis can change all that and give your mind a break and to give it the positive injection that it needs. You can do all this and more with hypnosis right from privacy of your own home using an mp3 hypnosis download.

My favourite session for cancer patients is the 'Cancer - Stay Positive' session. It installs new thought forms into your mind instantly changing the way your feeling and the way you feel about your dis-ease. No longer do you need to have that terrible feeling and can have a feeling of strength and positivity and fight. And ahead of you is probably literally going to be the fight for your life.

We all know now the power of our minds and of our thoughts. Negative thoughts can create illness and dis-ease and positive thoughts can heal our bodies and make us healthy again. With a dis-ease like cancer you need to fight for your life and give the fight everything you have. In one corner you have your team of doctors doing their job. Without your negative thinking, their job is done much easier and their treatments have a much better chance of working.

In the other corner, you have your mind. It needs to be fixed first and foremost with definite healing and positive thinking which hypnosis can give to you instantly. In the third corner you have your intelligence which will now with its positive energies begin to feel out another best alternative cancer treatment. I recommend you begin reading anything by Louise Hay such as 'You Can Heal Your Life'. In your fourth corner you have your friends and family fighting for you. But believe me they will give up on your fight unless you stay positive too.

My friend, your best alternative cancer treatment is right there ready now in your own body. Use your mind well and help it as much as you can. Hypnosis can give you instant relief and begin your new treatment and life right now.

Bladder Cancer Treatment Options

Bladder Cancer Treatment Options

There are many different treatments available for people diagnosed with bladder cancer. Treatment depends mainly on the stage of cancer. A cancer caught early enough will require less dramatic measures than more advanced cancers. The most common treatment options are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy. In certain cases, your doctor may combine two or more treatment options, most commonly combining surgery with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Surgery may be performed with both early and advanced bladder cancers. When bladder cancer is caught early on, the tumor may be removed through the urinary opening, or urethra. This involves inserting small surgical instruments and a laparoscope through the urethra. The laparoscope is like a small telescope and is used to find the tumor and successfully remove it. This type of surgery is called a transurethral resection and rarely results in the patient requiring an external urine collecting method.

Once bladder cancer has spread, the surgical treatment usually involves complete or partial bladder removal. A partial bladder removal (cystectomy) is often reserved for patients with less invasive types of bladder cancer (usually cancers that start in cells associated with frequent infections or irritations) that occur near the top of the bladder. A complete, or radical, cystectomy may also involve removal of nearby tissues. For men, a radical cystectomy often includes removal of the prostate, the lymph nodes near the hip and the semen conducting tubes. For a woman, a radical cystectomy also includes removing the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes), part of the vagina and the urethra. If you do undergo surgery to remove your bladder cancer, you may require an opening for urine discharge (urostomy). Recent advances in surgical procedures are decreasing the number of people with urostomies.

Chemotherapy can also be used to treat bladder cancer, often in combination with surgery. Chemotherapy is a whole body treatment, meaning it affects the entire body not just the bladder. This is why many chemotherapy patients experience side effects such as nausea, bruising, headache and fatigue. Chemotherapy uses drugs (for example valrubicin, thiotepa and doxorubicin) to kill cancer cells. These drugs can be given either in the form of a pill to be swallowed or injected into a vein. If your bladder cancer is caught early enough, you may have the choice of receiving chemotherapy directly into your bladder through the urethra.

Radiation therapy can also be used to treat bladder cancer. This may be used after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may have been missed by the surgeon. There are two ways radiation therapy may be performed, you may either receive a dose of radiation from a machine, or your tumor is planted with radioactive 'seeds' that slowly release their radiation. The side effects of radiation therapy can be an inflamed rectum, inability to control your bladder muscles, rash, or impotence (in men).

Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy, is a treatment designed to boost a person's immune system so the body can rid itself of the cancer. This is accomplished by injecting a vaccine derived from the tuberculosis bacteria into the urethra. This vaccine puts the immune system on high alert and causes it to kill the cancer cells. Common side effects to this treatment option are an inflamed bladder or prostate and flu-like symptoms.

Breast Cancer Sypmtoms & treatment

Breast Cancer Sypmtoms & treatment

In breast cancer, a single cell begins to divide and grow abnormally. This is the most common kind of cancer in women. Besides being women, age is the other important factor for developing breast cancer.

The inflammatory type of breast cancer involves a high-grade cancer cell of ductal origin that has a high propensity to spread to the lymph vessels, especially those just beneath the skin. Often, there is no mass or lump upon palpation, but swelling and redness is visible resembling an infection - thus the name inflammatory breast cancer. The treatment protocol usually involves a trial of antibiotics without a response followed by a skin biopsy that will reveal cancer cells in the dermal lymph vessels.

If you are scheduled for breast surgery (biopsy, lumpectomy or mastectomy) or you are undergoing post-surgical breast cancer treatment, hypnosis is an excellent complementary therapy that can enhance the positive effects of various therapies.* Using hypnotherapy in combination with your medical breast cancer treatment will make you feel more empowered and in control of your care.

Breast cancer symptom:

Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause any pain. Unfortunately, in early stages when breast cancer develops, it does not show any breast cancer symptom. But as it grows, it can cause remarkable changes, which a woman should note. Breast cancer symptoms include thickening or lump near or in the breast, change in the shape or size of the affected breast, tenderness of nipple or nipple discharge, inversion of nipple into the breast, pitting or ridges of the breast.


Breast cancer is treated locally or generally, although some patients may undergo both types of treatment. Local treatment consists in surgical removal or destruction of the lesion. General treatment (chemotherapy, hormone therapy) aims at inhibiting the tumour process or decreasing the size of tumour before operation and it is also applied in significant disease progression instead of surgery. Surgical treatment is the most common way to treat breast cancer. Patients in I0 and II0 clinical progression are qualified for the surgical treatment .

Increasingly, though, researchers are looking to another green food in an effort to cut breast cancer risk—green tea. While black tea and chamomile tea have long been thought to soothe nerves and combat depression, it is green tea which is making headlines in the world of cancer research.