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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Early detection and screening

Prostate cancer is typically slow growing. High PSA levels can occur five to ten years before the onset of prostate cancer symptoms and early prostate cancer often has no symptoms. The PSA test can help to detect cancer at this early stage.

At present, however, health authorities do not recommend widespread ‘screening’ for prostate cancer. While we have some evidence that regular testing may prevent prostate cancer deaths, there are concerns that many men may be diagnosed and treated unnecessarily as a result of being screened, with a high cost to their health and quality of life.

Discuss testing with your doctor

Most authorities suggest that a man makes his own choice about whether or not to be screened for prostate cancer. This should be done in discussion with your doctor, after considering the benefits and uncertainties of testing and your own risk from the disease.

The Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand has suggested that a single test at the age of 40 years or more may be the best way of assessing a man’s risk of prostate cancer over the following 15–20 years. Men with a father or brother who were diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age are also at higher risk.

In Australia, Medicare covers an annual check, but this may not be necessary for all men who choose to be screened. The frequency with which you should be checked will be influenced by your first test result. If a man chooses to be tested for prostate cancer, both a PSA test and DRE are recommended to give the best chance of detecting the cancer.

How are PSA test results reported?

PSA test results show the level of PSA detected in the blood. These results are usually reported as nanograms of PSA per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. In the past, most doctors considered a PSA level below 4.0 ng/mL as normal. In one large study, however, prostate cancer was diagnosed in 15.2 percent of men with a PSA level at or below 4.0 ng/mL (2). Fifteen percent of these men, or approximately 2.3 percent overall, had high-grade cancers (2). In another study, 25 to 35 percent of men who had a PSA level between 4.1 and 9.9 ng/mL and who underwent a prostate biopsy were found to have prostate cancer, meaning that 65 to 75 percent of the remaining men did not have prostate cancer (3).

Thus, there is no specific normal or abnormal PSA level. In addition, various factors, such as inflammation (e.g., prostatitis), can cause a man’s PSA level to fluctuate. It is also common for PSA values to vary somewhat from laboratory to laboratory. Consequently, one abnormal PSA test result does not necessarily indicate the need for a prostate biopsy. In general, however, the higher a man’s PSA level, the more likely it is that cancer is present. Furthermore, if a man’s PSA level continues to rise over time, other tests may be needed.

Because PSA levels tend to increase with age, the use of age-specific PSA reference ranges has been suggested as a way of increasing the accuracy of PSA tests. However, age-specific reference ranges have not been generally favored because their use may lead to missing or delaying the detection of prostate cancer in as many as 20 percent of men in their 60s and 60 percent of men in their 70s. Another complicating factor is that studies to establish the normal range of PSA values have been conducted primarily in white men. Although expert opinions vary, there is no clear consensus on the optimal PSA threshold for recommending a prostate biopsy for men of any racial or ethnic group.

# What if the screening test results show an elevated PSA level?

A man should discuss an elevated PSA test result with his doctor. There can be different reasons for an elevated PSA level, including prostate cancer, benign prostate enlargement, inflammation, infection, age, and race.

If no symptoms to suggest cancer are present, the doctor may recommend repeating DRE and PSA tests regularly to watch for any changes. If a man’s PSA level has been increasing or if a suspicious lump is detected during a DRE, the doctor may recommend other tests to determine if there is cancer or another problem in the prostate. A urine test may be used to detect a urinary tract infection or blood in the urine. The doctor may recommend imaging tests, such as a transrectal ultrasound (a test in which high-frequency sound waves are used to obtain images of the rectum and nearby structures, including the prostate), x-rays, or cystoscopy (a procedure in which a doctor looks into the urethra and the bladder through a thin, lighted tube that is inserted through the end of the penis; this can help determine whether urinary blockage is caused by an enlarged prostate). Medicine or surgery may be recommended if the problem is BPH or an infection.

If cancer is suspected, a biopsy is needed to determine whether cancer is present in the prostate. During a biopsy, samples of prostate tissue are removed, usually with a needle, and viewed under a microscope. The doctor may use ultrasound to view the prostate during the biopsy, but ultrasound cannot be used alone to tell if cancer is present.

How a Prostate Cancer Test Can Save your Life

Although prostate cancer is considered a disease of the elderly man, it has been known to inflict its damage on men in their early 30s. Heredity seems to play a factor especially in younger patients.

If you're a man over 50, you should consider a yearly Prostate cancer PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test. It's a simple a blood test that can help doctors catch the very early cases of prostate cancer. This is a great way to protect yourself from this potentially deadly disease that afflicts men in their later years.

Let me caution you that an elevated PSA result can be caused by a variety of factors and does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer. These other causes include BPH or benign hypertrophy or enlargment of the prostate, and also elevate the PSA test results. Even Prostatitis and Lower Urinary Tract symptoms can show elevated levels of PSA.

The prostate specific antigen test is like any other simple blood test. Blood is drawn by a phlebotomist and sent to the lab for analysis. A normal result from a PSA test, doesn't guarantee that your free from cancer, nor does a higher than normal result mean you DO have cancer

A PSA Count of between 0 - 3.9 nanograms per milliliter of blood is generally considered normal. Levels higher than a 3.9 ng count may indicate there may be a prostate problem which could be anything from a swelling or inflammation, infection or cancer.

It's critical that you follow your doctor's lead in regard to dealing with the Prostate Specific Antigen test results. The results are an indication that something may be happening only. To complicate matters even more, PSA levels can also increase with age. Oh and the relative size of your prostate also plays a factor in interpreting the results.

The point of this is the strongly encourage you to have an annual prostate exam and PSA blood test.

Please do not assume a high PSA reading means that you have prostate cancer. All a high PSI level reading indicates is that there "may" be a problem. Two out of three people with elevated the PSA readings DO NOT have a malignancy. So don't panic!

Here's a few very good reasons why you should consider getting an annual PSA blood test

a. Your doctor is much better able to detect potential prostate cancer even though you have no symptoms.

2. Early detection means a much higher chance of successful treatment and cure

3. The PSA blood test is simple and is recognized as a major contributing factor in the continued drop of prostate cancer deaths

So what we know as patients about the PSA test is that it's not perfect and cannot clearly identified the presence of prostate cancer. All the tests provides is an indicator of a potential benign or cancerous prostate problem

We also know that the term 'normal" in dealing with the PSA test result is subject to interpretation due to many factors. This is why it's critical that your doctor interpret the results.

The PSA test indicated a normal antigen level in about 20% of the cases in men who had early prostate melanoma.

Even with an imperfect test however, it's recognized that the PSA is a good indicator and tool in our arsenal to fight this deadly disease. Note that a Harvard study done in 2005 indicated that those men having a yearly PSA test and monitoring of PSA levels were almost 3 times less likely to die for prostate cancer than those who didn't bother with the PSA

Finally, according to the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ), is the introduction 20 years ago of any use of the PSA test, deaths from prostate cancer have fallen by one third. Prostate cancer if caught in its early stages is treatable and curable. Don't wait until it is too late to have this important test done

Accuracy of PSA tests

PSaA is measured in nano-grams per millilitre and is normally in the range of 0.1 to 4. There are two forms of PSA present in the bloodstream, those bound to alpha antichymotrypsin, which are the most abundant form, and free PSA. It is generally considered that by analyzing the percentage of free PSA together with total PSA (defined as percent-free PSA) will lead to more accurate diagnostics of the chance of a patient having prostate cancer.

Patients with PSA test results of between 4 and 10 are normally considered borderline patients; the level of percent free PSA well then determine if a biopsy is required. If percent-free PSA numbers are 10% or less then the chance of having cancer is about 50%. Normally a doctor will recommend a patient has a biopsy if percent-free PSA readings are less than 25%.

It is recommended that both a digital rectal examination and a Protein specific antigen test are carried out together. This is because of the nature of detection of specific cancers, has been reported that if a digital rectal exam alone is taken that 60 percent of the detected cancers are advanced whereas when a PSA test is also performed this level reduces to 33%.

Biopsy of the prostate

If your PSA level is raised, you may be referred to a specialist for a prostate biopsy. This is because a definite diagnosis of prostate cancer can only be made by taking cells from the prostate and then looking at them under a microscope. A biopsy involves using an ultrasound scanner to guide a metal probe into the rectum. This test can be uncomfortable, and sometimes painful.

The biopsy is not without risks. For example, there is a small risk of introducing infection into the prostate during the procedure, which can sometimes be serious. Some men bleed quite a bit following the procedure.

Also, the biopsy itself is not foolproof and 100% accurate. If the biopsy does not show any cancer cells, that doesn't completely rule out an early cancer. Of every 100 men who have cancer of the prostate, the biopsy will miss the cancer in about 20 of them.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Which treatment for lung cancer?

Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are all used to treat lung cancer. They can each be used alone or together. Your doctor will plan the best treatment for you. NHS guidelines state that everyone diagnosed with lung cancer should be under the care of a multi-disciplinary team. This is a team of health professionals who work together to decide on how best to manage your treatment and care. There are a number of factors that will help your specialist plan your treatment

* The type of lung cancer you have

* Where the cancer is within the lung

* Your general health

* Whether the cancer has spread (the stage)

* Results of blood tests and scans

Small cell lung cancer is mostly treated with chemotherapy. Surgery is not usually suitable because this type of cancer has usually spread at the time of diagnosis. You may also have radiotherapy.

Non small cell lung cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these, depending on the stage when the cancer is diagnosed.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Treatment of Small-Cell Lung Cancer

There are different types of treatment for patients with small cell lung cancer.

Different types of treatment are available for patients with small cell lung cancer. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Before starting treatment, patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. A treatment clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment.

Clinical trials are taking place in many parts of the country. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from NCI Web site. Choosing the most appropriate cancer treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, family, and health care team.

Three types of standard treatment are used:


Surgery may be used if the cancer is found in one lung and in nearby lymph nodes only. Because this type of lung cancer is usually found in both lungs, surgery alone is not often used. Occasionally, surgery may be used to help determine the patient’s exact type of lung cancer. During surgery, the doctor will also remove lymph nodes to see if they contain cancer. Laser therapy (the use of an intensely powerful beam of light to kill cancer cells) may be used.

Even if the doctor removes all the cancer that can be seen at the time of the operation, some patients may be given chemotherapy or radiation therapy after surgery to kill any cancer cells that are left. Treatment given after the surgery, to increase the chances of a cure, is called adjuvant therapy.


Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping the cells from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ, or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect cancer cells in those areas (regional chemotherapy). The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. Prophylactic cranial irradiation (radiation therapy to the brain to reduce the risk that cancer will spread to the brain) may also be given. The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.

Treatment of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

There are different types of treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Different types of treatments are available for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. Before starting treatment, patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. A treatment clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment.

Clinical trials are taking place in many parts of the country. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site. Choosing the most appropriate cancer treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, family, and health care team.

Six types of standard treatment are used:

Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment that uses a drug and a certain type of laser light to kill cancer cells. A drug that is not active until it is exposed to light is injected into a vein. The drug collects more in cancer cells than in normal cells. Fiberoptic tubes are then used to deliver the laser light to the cancer cells, where the drug becomes active and kills the cells. Photodynamic therapy causes little damage to healthy tissue. It is used mainly to treat tumors on or just under the skin or in the lining of internal organs.

Watchful waiting

Watchful waiting is closely monitoring a patient’s condition without giving any treatment until symptoms appear or change. This may be done in certain rare cases of non-small cell lung cancer.

New types of treatment and prevention are being tested in clinical trials. These include the following:


Chemoprevention is the use of drugs, vitamins, or other substances to reduce the risk of developing cancer or to reduce the risk cancer will recur (come back).

Biologic therapy

Biologic therapy is a treatment that uses the patient's immune system to fight cancer. Substances made by the body or made in a laboratory are used to boost, direct, or restore the body's natural defenses against cancer. This type of cancer treatment is also called biotherapy or immunotherapy.

New combinations

New combinations of treatments are being studied in clinical trials.

This summary section refers to specific treatments under study in clinical trials, but it may not mention every new treatment being studied. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site.

* Wedge resection: Surgery to remove a triangle-shaped slice of tissue. Wedge resection is used to remove a tumor and a small amount of normal tissue around it. When a slightly larger amount of tissue is taken, it is called a segmental resection.

* Lobectomy: Surgery to remove a whole lobe (section) of the lung.

* Pneumonectomy: Surgery to remove one whole lung.

* Sleeve resection: Surgery to remove part of the bronchus.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer.

Radiosurgery is a method of delivering radiation directly to the tumor with little damage to healthy tissue. It does not involve surgery and may be used to treat certain tumors in patients who cannot have surgery.

The way the radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.


Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping the cells from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ, or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs mainly affect cancer cells in those areas (regional chemotherapy). The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a cancer treatment that uses a laser beam (a narrow beam of intense light) to kill cancer cells.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Treatment by stage for small cell lung cancer

If you have early stage small cell lung cancer you are most likely to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the lung. It is quite common for this type of cancer to spread to the brain. So doctors often recommend that people with early small cell lung cancer have radiotherapy to the brain to try to kill any cancer cells that may have already spread there. This is called prophylactic cranial irradiation or PCI.

If you have very early stage small cell lung cancer that has not spread to any lymph nodes, you may have surgery to remove the part of the lung containing the tumour (a lobectomy) followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But usually the cancer has already spread at the time of diagnosis and surgery is not then possible.

If you have small cell cancer that has spread to lymph nodes or other areas of the body you may have chemotherapy, radiotherapy or biological therapy treatment to relieve symptoms. If chemotherapy works well to shrink the lung tumour down and you are fairly fit you may also have radiotherapy to the brain to kill any cancer cells that may have already spread there. This is called prophylactic cranial irradiation or PCI.

Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Treatment by Stage

Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer

Treatment of limited-stage small cell lung cancer may include the following:

* Combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the chest, with or without radiation therapy to the brain.

* Combination chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy to the brain in patients with complete response.

* Combination chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy to the chest.

* Surgery followed by chemotherapy or chemotherapy plus radiation therapy to the chest, with or without radiation therapy to the brain.

* Clinical trials of new chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation treatments.

This summary refers to specific treatments under study in clinical trials, but it may not mention every new treatment being studied. Information about ongoing clinical trials is available from NCI Web site.

Extensive-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer

Treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung cancer may include the following:

* Chemotherapy.

* Combination chemotherapy.

* Combination chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy to the brain for patients with complete response.

* Radiation therapy to the brain, spine, bone, or other parts of the body where the cancer has spread, as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

* Clinical trials of new chemotherapy treatments.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Treatment by stage for non small cell lung cancer

Stage 1

Stage 1 non small cell lung cancer is very uncommon. You normally have surgery to remove part of the lung (a lobectomy) or all of the lung (a pneumonectomy). If you can't have an operation for other health reasons, your doctor may suggest radiotherapy instead to try to cure the cancer. Another option for small tumours if you cannot have surgery is RFA, or radio frequency ablation.

Stage 2

For stage 2 non small cell lung cancer, depending on the position of the tumour, you may be offered surgery to remove part of the lung (a lobectomy) or all of the lung (a pneumonectomy). If the cancer is completely removed, your specialist may suggest chemotherapy to try to lower the risk of the cancer coming back. This is called adjuvant chemotherapy. It is important that your doctor talks to you beforehand about the benefits and side effects of chemotherapy. If you can't have surgery, you may be offered radiotherapy to try to get rid of the cancer completely.

Stage 3

For stage 3 non small cell lung cancer you may be able to have surgery, depending on where the cancer is in the lung. You may need to have the whole lung removed (a pneumonectomy). If there are cancer cells in the middle area of the chest (the mediastinum), your doctor may suggest radiotherapy instead. The cancer may be too close to your heart to operate safely.

If your doctor spots signs of cancer in the lymph nodes on the same side of your chest as the lung cancer, they may advise you to have chemotherapy before the surgery. This is called neoadjuvant chemotherapy. If cancer cells are not found in the lymph nodes until after the surgery your doctor is likely to advise you to have chemotherapy and possibly radiotherapy after the operation.

If your doctor spots signs of cancer in the lymph nodes on the opposite side of your chest, surgery is not possible but you may have a course of chemotherapy. After the chemotherapy it might be possible to have further treatment with radiotherapy. You may also have further treatment with a biological therapy called erlotinib (Tarceva).

Stage 4

Treatment for stage 4 non small cell lung cancer aims to control the cancer for as long as possible and to shrink the tumour down to reduce symptoms. Many trials have used chemotherapy in this situation and we now know that it can improve survival time as well as relieving symptoms. A biological therapy called erlotinib (Tarceva) is sometimes used when chemotherapy is no longer working. It aims to control symptoms and try to help people live longer.

You may also have radiotherapy to control symptoms such as pain or a cough. As well as radiotherapy, other treatments can relieve a blockage and reduce symptoms if you have a tumour in one of the main airways (the left or right bronchus). These treatments include internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), laser treatment, freezing the tumour (cryotherapy), using a rigid tube (a stent) to keep the airway open, and light therapy (photodynamic therapy - PDT). There is detailed information about treatments to relieve an airway blockage in the advanced lung cancer treatment section.

Searching for the Right Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer, the next thing you should do is to discuss with your doctors the most suitable lung cancer treatment for you. There are various options available for the treatment of lung cancer, but you will need to discuss these options carefully with your doctors and family before making a decision on the treatment method. Please bear in mind that the earlier the cancer is treated, the better will be your prognosis from this deadly disease.

Surgery is obviously one of the more effective treatment

for removing the cancer from the body, however it all depends on how far along the cancer is. CT and PET scans are used to determine is the cancer can be removed through surgery, or if it is too far along and has spread to other areas making it harder to perform surgery. Blood tests and spirometry or lung function testing are also used to see if the patient can be operated on. Surgical procedures include wedge resction or partial removal of the lobe, a lobectomy or removal of one lobe, a bilobectomy or removal of two lobes, and pneumonectomy or the removal of an entire lung. A lobectomy is the most common form of surgery because it reduces the chance of the cancer returning.

Chemotherapy is also used to reduce the risk of the cancer recurring. The kind of chemotherapy used depends on the type of cancer and where it is located in the lungs. Radiotherapy is often used along with chemotherapy.

Another form of lung cancer treatment besides these two is targeted therapy. Gefitinib is one such drug that targets the tyrosine kinase domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor. This has shown to increase the chances of survival in many of the people whom have taken this drug. Erlotinib is another drug that has been shown to increase the survival rate in cancer patients. Both of these drugs have been shown to be very effective in females, Asians and non-smokers.

Becoming diagnosed with lung cancer is a very serious thing to be told. There are several ways the cancer can be treated now but it is important to know all the lung cancer treatment options that are available to you. It is best to get surgery if at all possible, but if the cancer has spread into other areas, surgery is out of the question. Then chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy can be considered. You should also explore the possibility of using other alternative cancer treatments. However, it is important for you to speak with your doctor the instance you have gotten lung cancer.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Natural Lung Cancer Treatment

Lung cancer, the growth of malignant cells in the lungs, and is the leading cause of death from cancer in the United States for both men and women. The types of primary lung cancer (cancer that originates in the lungs) may be grouped into two categories: small-cell carcinoma and non-small-cell carcinoma. Non-small-cell carcinoma comprises several types of lung cancers and is responsible for up to 80 percent of cases. The outlook is poor for all types of lung cancer unless the cancer is detected very early and can be surgically removed. Small-cell carcinoma is the most difficult to treat as it is often diagnosed after it has spread to many organs. Despite being very responsive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, individuals with small cell carcinoma commonly relapse within a year.

Primary lung cancer can spread to essentially any organ. Where it may produce more disabling symptoms. Most cases occur between ages 45 and 75, after years of exposure to cigarette smoke or other pollutants. In many instances, the disease is preventable: over 90 percent of cases are caused by smoking. Nonsmokers have only a small risk, and those who quit smoking even after smoking for years greatly reduce their risk. The lungs are also a frequent site of secondary cancer, which has spread from elsewhere in the body. Such tumors are almost always incurable.


Abstain from smoking; try to limit your exposure to second hand smoke and air pollution. Homes may be tested for radon using kit available in most hardware stores.

One natural lung cancer treatment is proper diet and nutrition

Genistein, antioxidant found in soybeans, may have a powerful effect on stopping the growth of lung cancer cells. Alpha carotene, beta carotene, and other carotenoids are believed by many researchers to aid in reducing and stopping the risk of lung cancer, although there is some evidence that beta carotene may be linked to a higher rate of lung cancer and mortality in smokers, former smokers, and those subjected to exposure to asbestos in their working environments.

A diet high in fruits and vegetables (including tomatoes) is associated with a greatly reduced risk of lung cancer. Shiitake mushrooms contain lentinan, which may also offer protection and cure.

Vitamins E and C and beta-carotene all work synergistically, and when taken together, the potential adverse side effects are counteracted. Selenium, lycopene, lutein, and glutathione have been associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer. Vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and the B vitamins have also been associated with a decreased risk of lung cancer.

Supplemental oxygen is highly recommended for the treatment of lung cancer. We have to explore and examine this potent and effective natural therapy combining this one with proper nutrition and diet makes it very powerful. This one should not be neglected and should be a part of your arsenal against lung cancer, the recommended natural lung cancer treatment as provided by the “one minute cure for all diseases”. We all know that this treatment has gain respect to a lot of people. Researched revealed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell will become malignant and cancerous and will be prone to different kinds of diseases such as lung cancer. Most people don't realize is that lack of oxygen is not only the cause of lung cancer but is also the cause of all most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant amounts of oxygen, no microbes, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly ox

ygenated environment.

Lung cancer treatment: Deguelin playing essential role for lung cancer

Almost all people who suffer from lung cancer desires to have and effective lung cancer treatment, it so happens that such a treatment exists. Sad to say, because of the source of the treatment, there has been a widespread opposition and doubt. Once the nations will wake up and accept this treatment and cure, humanity will enter a new and a higher level of awareness of physical health, wellness, and prosperity.

One of the powerful lung cancer treatment is the application of oxygen therapy as provided by the cure within one minute. The cure within one minute was research by top alternative medical scientist. It wasn't long before they discovered that oxygen therapy was one of the best approaches to treat lung cancer. They discovered the true potential and efficacy of this treatment.

The healing properties and powers of oxygen therapy do not stop at lung cancer. First and foremost, they have not discovered and encountered any cancer that oxygen therapy could not treat and cure. However, they have not seen a disease and sickness that this treatment couldn't cure. This includes all types of cancer, all type of flu, including swine flu, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, MS, pain disorders, mental disorders, such as alzheimer’s and even all STD’s. It is harder to ponder of something that this treatment cannot cure, and while there are probably a few diseases and sickness that this treatment does not work out, scientist has not found one.

Propagator’s of this research has a huge amount of support, including some top alternative doctors. To anybody that does not believe, we suggests to the doubters to apply this treatment. Anybody can do it and see it work right in front of their eyes.

Hundreds if not thousands of people are involved with oxygen therapy. And we have never seen, heard and experience of an instance where it did not work. In some severe cancer cases, oxygen therapy is not as effective because the bodies internal organs have been destroyed already by chemotherapy and radiation treatment, but even then, this lung cancer treatment – oxygen therapy can still possibly save your life and your love ones. So, start now and try it and get your copy of the cure within one minute..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Lung Cancer Treatment - Oxygen Therapy

Almost all people who suffer from lung cancer desires to have and effective lung cancer treatment, it so happens that such a treatment exists. Sad to say, because of the source of the treatment, there has been a widespread opposition and doubt. Once the nations will wake up and accept this treatment and cure, humanity will enter a new and a higher level of awareness of physical health, wellness, and prosperity.

One of the powerful lung cancer treatment is the application of oxygen therapy as provided by the cure within one minute. The cure within one minute was research by top alternative medical scientist. It wasn't long before they discovered that oxygen therapy was one of the best approaches to treat lung cancer. They discovered the true potential and efficacy of this treatment.

The healing properties and powers of oxygen therapy do not stop at lung cancer. First and foremost, they have not discovered and encountered any cancer that oxygen therapy could not treat and cure. However, they have not seen a disease and sickness that this treatment couldn't cure. This includes all types of cancer, all type of flu, including swine flu, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, arthritis, MS, pain disorders, mental disorders, such as alzheimer’s and even all STD’s. It is harder to ponder of something that this treatment cannot cure, and while there are probably a few diseases and sickness that this treatment does not work out, scientist has not found one.

Propagator’s of this research has a huge amount of support, including some top alternative doctors. To anybody that does not believe, we suggests to the doubters to apply this treatment. Anybody can do it and see it work right in front of their eyes.

Hundreds if not thousands of people are involved with oxygen therapy. And we have never seen, heard and experience of an instance where it did not work. In some severe cancer cases, oxygen therapy is not as effective because the bodies internal organs have been destroyed already by chemotherapy and radiation treatment, but even then, this lung cancer treatment – oxygen therapy can still possibly save your life and your love ones. So, start now and try it and get your copy of the cure within one minute..

Lung Cancer - Other Treatment

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body (external radiation therapy) or from putting materials that produce radiation (radioisotopes) through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found (internal radiation therapy, also called brachytherapy). Radiation therapy is often used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy or both.

Radiation following surgery for stages II or III non-small cell lung cancer may reduce the risk of cancer recurrence in the chest, but long-term survival rates are not significantly improved because cancer may have already spread to other areas of the body.3

Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses laser light and a special light-activated substance (Photofrin) to kill cancer cells. It is approved for palliative treatment to destroy tumors that block the airway but it does not cure the lung cancer. Few lung cancers are treated with this therapy. Surgery is still the standard treatment for early-stage lung cancer.

Other Treatment Choices

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy may relieve your shortness of breath. It is usually used at the end stage of the disease. Some people who have pulmonary conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), may use oxygen as regular therapy.


Thoracentesis is used to remove fluid from around your lungs (pleural effusion). A large amount of fluid may cause pain and shortness of breath.


Pleurodesis is used to prevent fluid buildup around your lungs. Pleurodesis is a procedure that is intended to cause inflammation of the lining around your lungs. The irritated tissue reacts by producing scar tissue, which causes the two layers of the lung lining to stick together. This removes the space where fluid can build up around your lungs. Pleurodesis is commonly used to treat fluid buildup around your lung that returns after repeated thoracentesis.

Complementary therapies

In addition to conventional medical treatment, you may wish to try complementary therapies, such as:

* Acupuncture.

* Biofeedback.

* Herbs.

* Meditation.

* Visualization.

* Vitamins and nutritional supplements.

* Yoga.

Before you try any of these therapies, discuss their possible benefits and side effects with your doctor. Let him or her know if you are already using any such therapies. For more information, see the topic Complementary Medicine.

In clinical trials, PDT appears to help relieve coughing, shortness of breath, and coughing up bloody mucus. Additional research is being done.

Herbal therapies work well with conventional lung cancer treatment

In United States, lung cancer is most “killer” cancer form. Every year is reported for an estimate 160,000 deaths in United States. There are many type of lung cancer, but mostly are categorized 2: non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer. Basically non small cell lung cancer is common and, it spread and grows more slowly than small cell lung cancer.

Conventional lung cancer treatment

* Chemotherapy – generally is being used to control cancer growth

* Photodynamic therapy- medicine being used to injected into bloodstream and absorbed by cells which remains in cancer cells longer time.

* drug- tarceva, it used for treating advance non small cell lung cancer. This drug show that it delays the progress of advance lung cancer and extended lung cancer patients life.

* Surgery – another lung cancer treatment where removal of small part of lung is a segmental or removal an entire lobe of the lung. The lung is a pnemonectomy or lobectomy.

Herb remedial for lung cancer

Basically, herbs are used in combinations for lung cancer treatment. Herbal treating for lung cancer is believed to be effected complementary therapy that work friendly with other conventional therapies like surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Herb remedial for lung cancer a safe way but the cost of herbal it often causes significant financial hardship to the patient. Generally it cost about per week $50 of the herbal therapy.

Green tea generally extracts 250 to 500 mg daily, for anti lung cancer, anti oxidant and strengthens body immune system.

Red beet juice, red beet juice has been believed herbal remedies for cancer and other form of lung cancer. It also proved to be one of the most effective in lung cancer remedial. Based on Dr. Bernard Jensen and Norman Walker D.Sc Ph.D., from their research they found out that carrot, green vegetable and red beet juice strengthen body health and natural nutrient to diet.

Milk thistle seed, generally extract, 80 - 160 mg two to three times daily, mainly for body detoxification.

Olive leaf generally extracts 250 - 500 mg one to three times daily, for anti cancer and strengthen body immune effects.

Reishi mushroom general extract, 150 - 300 mg two to three times daily, for anticancer and strengthen body immune system.

Herbal therapies are able for anti lung cancer and it is to be believed of effectively in killing cancer cell; inhibiting cancer grows and strengthens body immune system, and relieving symptoms and pain. Other researcher also conducted extensive research it longer patient life. Herbal therapies work friendly in human body as easily combine multiple ingredients to form a recipe to meet individual need.

Lung Cancer - Medications

Chemotherapy uses powerful medications to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the most effective therapy for small cell lung cancer. It can help control the growth and spread of the cancer, but it cures lung cancer in only a small number of people. Chemotherapy also may be used to treat more advanced stages (stages III and IV) of non–small cell lung cancer.

Medication Choices


Chemotherapy is called a systemic treatment because the medicines enter your bloodstream, travel through your body, and kill cancer cells both inside and outside the lung area. Some chemotherapy drugs are taken by mouth (orally), while others are injected into a vein (intravenous, or IV).

Extensive research and clinical trials have studied the different chemotherapy medicines used to treat lung cancer. Some medicines are used for most people with lung cancer. Some are used in combination with others to be more effective. Some may be used before surgery or after surgery. Your oncologist will discuss and recommend chemotherapy treatment specific to your condition. Several of the more common chemotherapy medicines include the following:

* Carboplatin

* Cisplatin

* Docetaxel

* Erlotinib

* Etoposide

* Gemcitabine

* Irinotecan

* Paclitaxel

* Pemetrexed

* Topotecan

* Vinorelbine

Gefitinib. This medicine is used for lung cancer but recent studies show it may not improve long-term survival for many people. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises people who are using this medicine to continue their treatment and talk with their oncologist.20

Bevacizumab is an intravenous (IV) drug that helps prevent formation of blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients and help the cancer grow and multiply. Studies suggest that bevacizumab used at the same time as some other forms of chemotherapy may help people with advanced lung cancer live longer. Bevacizumab is now approved to be used with the chemotherapy drugs carboplatin and paclitaxel for treating non-small cell lung cancer.21 But because bevacizumab has serious side effects, talk with your doctor about whether you should take this medicine.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Vitamin B17 For Cancer Treatment

Vitamin B17 For Cancer Treatment

For almost forty years, Vitamin B17 has been claimed by alternative medicine experts to effectively cure and even prevent cancer. Theres a lot of controversy about Vitamin B17s efficiency, let alone its real components. What is it anyway? Vitamin B17, otherwise known as Laetrile, can be found in some fruit seeds, particularly in apricot seeds. Scientists claimed that when these seeds were taken in, it can prevent you from acquiring cancer and even heal your cancer in no time.

Because of this, there had been a lot of pharmaceutical companies which developed different kinds Vitamin B17 supplements. Until now, the United States FDA havent approved any Vitamin B17 supplement because they believe it is not a safe choice for cancer prevention and healing. Why is this so? With further studies conducted by FDA, Laetrile has been found to contain Amygdalin, a plant compound which produces cyanide.

FDA didnt approve of Vitamin B17 because of the toxic effects of cyanide it contains. Some patients who have been undergoing Laetrile treatments have shown symptoms of cyanide poisoning which include nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, lack of oxygen in blood which causes bluish skin color, liver damage, low blood pressure, droopy upper eyelid, damaged nerves, fever, mental confusion, coma, and even death. These dangerous symptoms are the reasons why FDA does not approve Vitamin B17 supplements.

Even if this is the case, there are still some countries which produce Laetrile supplements like Mexico. Some cancer patients have been cured from their illness totally while others have diminished tumor sizes. Vitamin B17 is a promising anticancer supplement however the dangerous symptoms attached to it still leaves the public skeptical about the product.

Before taking any supplement, always remember to consult with your doctor first to avoid any complications with your current treatment procedures. Laetrile might prove to be the answer to all cancer cases but we should still beware. Theres still the urgent need to find a sure cure for cancer, one that is not life threatening.

Treatments For Metastatic Breast Cancer

Treatments For Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer is the most advanced stage of breast cancer. Even after treatment, some cancer cells may not die and continue multiplying. These cells may spread to other parts of the body through blood or lymphatic vessels and start the development of cancer in those areas. This stage of the cancer is called metastatic breast cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer can either recur, that is, the treatment for breast cancer may have completed, but the cancer cells that escaped from being killed make the cancer recur, or may happen during the course of treatment, when the cancer is so aggressive that it spreads out despite of the treatments, or, in some cases when diagnosis is very late, and the cancer has spread out, metastatic might be the very first diagnosis.

Metastasis usually occurs in bones, and organs like lungs and brains. Unfortunately, breast cancer has the highest chance of metastasizing. If you have had breast cancer, and later develop another form of cancer, in all probability, it is breast cancer recurring. The fortunate side of this is that breast cancer is very much treatable. However, if you develop breast cancer again in the breast that was not diseased earlier, it might just be a new cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer develops in almost thirty out of hundred women who have had breast cancer, which makes knowledge about it so necessary. When the cancer has not metastasized to organs like the lungs and brain, or when there is a presence of estrogen and progesterone hormones in cancer tissues, the cancer is treatable. Also, if you have already not undergone many treatments for your previous cancer, and the malignant cells show some change after therapies, your treatment can be successful.

Metastatic breast cancer, owing to its nature, requires extensive treatment. Therapies like chemotherapy, hormonal treatment, immune therapy alone with regular mammograms, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, bone scans etc. are necessary. The treatments can be purpose-specific. For treating the whole body, systemic therapies have to be implemented; for treatment of specific organs, local treatments like mastectomy and lumpectomy are done, and for alleviating pain, therapies along with oral aspirin intake are adopted.

Because metastatic breast cancer means cancer spreading to various parts of the body, complete sure is very difficult. There will come a point when you will have to stop undergoing treatment, even when your cancer is not fully cured. You have the choice of being treated indefinitely, but you have to know, the more number of therapies you take, the more the side-effects are. Also know that many women have lived fruitful lives while taking the treatment for the metastatic disease. It is hard to take decisions when your life is at stake, but it is also necessary that you do it. There is research going on for prolonging lives of people who have this disease, and that research will surely help you.

Treatment Options for Colorectal Cancer

Treatment Options for Colorectal Cancer

The treatment depends on the staging of the cancer. When colorectal cancer is caught at early stages (with little spread) it can be curable. However when it is detected at later stages (when distant [[metastasis|metastases]] are present) it is less likely to be curable.

Surgery remains the primary treatment while chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may be recommended depending on the individual patient's staging and other medical factors.


Surgical treatment is by far the most likely to result in a cure of colon cancer if the tumor is localized. Very early cancer that develops within a polyp can often be cured by removing the polyp at the time of colonoscopy. More advanced cancers typically require surgical removal of the section of colon containing the tumor leaving sufficient margins to reduce likelihood of re-growth. If possible, the remaining parts of colon are anastomosed together to create a functioning colon. In cases when anastomosis is not possible, a stoma (artificial orifice) is created. While surgery is not usually offered if significant metastasis is present, surgical removal of isolated liver metastases is common. Improved chemotherapy has increased the number of patients who are offered surgical removal of isolated liver metastases.

Laparoscopic assist resection of the colon for tumour can reduce the size of painful incision and minimize the risk of infection. As with any surgical procedure, colorectal surgery can in rare cases result in complications. These may include infection, abscess, fistula or bowel obstruction.


Chemotherapy is used to reduce the likelihood of metastasis developing, shrink tumour size, or slow tumor growth. Chemotherapy is often applied after surgery (adjuvant), before surgery (neo-adjuvant), or as the primary therapy if surgery is not indicated (palliative). The treatments listed here have been shown in clinical trials to improve survival and/or reduce mortality and have been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration. Adjuvant (after surgery) chemotherapy. One regimen involves the combination of infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) Leucovorin (LV) Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin®) Capecitabine (Xeloda®)

Chemotherapy for metastatic disease. Commonly used first line regimens involve the combination of infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) with bevacizumab or infusional 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) with bevacizumab 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) Leucovorin Irinotecan Oxaliplatin Bevacizumab Cetuximab

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is used to kill tumor tissue before or after surgery or when surgery is not indicated. Sometimes chemotherapy agents are used to increase the effectiveness of radiation by sensitizing tumor cells if present. Radiotherapy is not used routinely in colorectal cancer, as it could lead to radiation enteritis, and is difficult to target specific portions of the colon, but may be used on metastatic tumor deposits if they compress vital structures and/or cause pain. There may be a role for post-operative adjuvant radiation in the case where a tumor perforates the colon as judged by the surgeon or the pathologist. However, as the area of the prior tumor site can be difficult (if not impossible) to ascertain by imaging, surgical clips need to be left in the colon to direct the radiotherapist to the area of risk.


Bacillus Calmette-Gu�rin (BCG) is gaining prominence as a complementary theraputic agent in the treatment of colorectal cancer. A review of results from recent clinical trials is given in Mosolits et al.

Support Therapies

Cancer diagnosis very often results in an enormous change in the patient's psychological wellbeing. Various support resources are available from, hospitals and other agencies which provide counseling, social service support, cancer support groups, and other services. These services help to mitigate some of the difficulties of integrating a patient's medical complications into other parts of their life.

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment

How Alternative Cancer Treatment can help those living with Lung Cancer

Lung cancer involves abnormal cell growth in the lungs, part of the overall respiratory system. While doctors cannot explain why one person may develop lung cancer and someone may not, there are several factors that can lead to the development of lung cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, people who smoke tobacco are at the greatest risk for developing lung cancer because of the harmful substances that are inhaled when smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. Individuals exposed to radon are also at risk for developing lung cancer. Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in soil and rocks, although it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. Sometimes radon is found undetected in residential homes. People who work in mines may be exposed to radon, increasing their risk for lung cancer development. Other substances thought to be factors in the development of lung cancer are asbestos, arsenic, nickel, soot, and tar, among others. People that have had an immediate family member diagnosed with lung cancer

are at risk, along with those who have already had a personal history of lung cancer. The risk of developing a second lung cancer is greatly increased after being diagnosed a first time.

There are several alternative cancer treatment options for people diagnosed with lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, the staff works diligently to create an individualized alternative cancer treatment plan that will help build the immune system and suppress the several symptoms associated with lung cancer, including shortness of breath, constant chest pain, fatigue, cough, wheezing, and frequent lung infections like pneumonia. Lung cancer can be diagnosed in several ways. First, a physical exam is performed by a doctor, where he or she checks for general signs of health, and examines the lungs for fluid and normal breathing. Second, a chest x-ray may be performed. This would show abnormal fluid or tumors in the lungs. Last, a CT scan may be performed to examine and take pictures of the lung tissue and other tissue inside the chest. The CT scan can also reveal abnormal fluid, tumors, as well as swollen lymph nodes. The only certain way to determine whether a person has lung cancer is by having a pathologi

st examine samples of cells or tissue taken from the lung. After a thorough analysis, the doctor would then be able to determine if a person had cancer, and if so, what type of cancer was present.

New Hope Medical Center offers alternative cancer treatment options for both types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer involves only 13 percent of lung cancer cases and tends to spread quickly throughout the lungs. About 87 percent of lung cancer cases involve non-small cell lung cancer, which spreads more slowly than small cell lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, located in Scottsdale, AZ, personalized lung cancer treatment options are available for those seeking help. The alternative cancer treatment center hires only the most experienced doctors and staff, and works diligently to ensure each patient is receiving only the best alternative cancer treatment care.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

There are a Number of Cancer Treatments Available in Pittsburgh

There are a Number of Cancer Treatments Available in Pittsburgh

If you've been diagnosed with cancer, you want to find the best treatments, irrespective of what you are suffering from. If you are a woman, suffering from cervical cancer, it is very important that you find the best cervical cancer treatment in Pittsburgh.

Cervical cancer can affect women of any age, though it is more common in women at the age range of 50-55. The cervical cancer grows in the lower, narrower part of the uterus, which connects the uterus with the vagina. Though the exact cause of the cancer is unknown, researches on this disease have suggested that a sexually transmitted virus can cause the cells in the cervix to change in such a way that it eventually leads to cancer.

If you are not yet certain that you have cervical cancer, it will be a good idea to locate some reputed Pittsburgh cervical cancer treatment centers where they will diagnose your condition. If unfortunately you happen to have cancer, you will have to find some Pittsburgh cervical cancer chemotherapy centers that offer the best treatments.

How will you be diagnosed?

Before any kind of treatment can be started, the hospital will need to diagnose your condition. The tests may include a pap test, colposcopy and biopsy, where a sample of the vagina is removed to be tested. In solposopy, a lighted, magnifying instrument is used to examine the vagina and the cervix in detail. The pap test is extremely important and must be carried out by all sexually active women, once every year. This test is performed by scraping and testing a tissue from the inside of the cervix and the upper vagina.

If cancer is detected, a few additional tests need to be carried out by the Pittsburgh cervical cancer treatment centers so that they can determine if the cancer has spread to other parts of the pelvis or any other part of the body.

Treatment of Cervical cancer

The Pittsburgh cervical cancer treatment centers will offer you numerous approaches that can help you treat your cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you can rest a little easier knowing that you have skilled qualified professionals on your side.

Care After Cancer Treatment

Getting active in your follow-up care after cancer treatment can make a world of difference.

When Don Ronan, a 40-year-old Connecticut salesman and father of three, found out that chemotherapy had put his Hodgkin's disease in remission, he was ecstatic. "The CT scan showed that it was gone from my pelvis, my stomach, my bone marrow. I was cancer-free," he says. "I didn't feel broken anymore."

Ronan has made the momentous crossing from cancer patient to cancer survivor. Now he enters follow-up care, a stage familiar to almost 10 million other Americans who have beaten the disease. When cancer treatment ends, a survivor still undergoes regularly scheduled medical exams and tests to check for signs that the cancer has returned or spread to another part of the body. Doctors also screen for other types of cancers and watch for side effects from cancer treatment. During this important period, patients can work with their doctors to keep an eye out for new problems, cancer experts tell WebMD.

Surviving cancer is a blessing. "But it comes at a cost," says Mary McCabe, RN, MA, director of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center's Cancer Survivorship Program, which develops medical and psychosocial services and educational programs for cancer survivors. While radiation and chemotherapy can offer a cure, they can also create side effects, such as fatigue or infertility -- or even new cancers a decade or two down the road. Through follow-up, "we want to make sure that we minimize the serious side effects that may occur," she says.

Follow-up Care Is Individualized

The period after cancer treatment is fraught with distinct stresses. "When patients finish therapy, they're exhausted physically and emotionally," McCabe says. What's more, there are no more treatments to go through; no more intensive contact with doctors; no more battle mentality. Instead, the follow-up period involves watchfulness, and a cancer survivor may feel dread before appointments or during the anniversary of a cancer diagnosis.

Ronan says that Hodgkin's disease, a cancer of the lymph system, changed his outlook on life. "I'm nervous about tomorrow," he says. He'll need follow-up appointments about every three months for the first two years, then less frequently. He'll also require follow-up scans.

Follow-Up Exams May Be Frequent

In general, survivors see their doctors for follow-up exams about every three or four months during the first two to three years after treatment, according to the National Cancer Institute. But follow-up schedules vary from person to person, depending on one's age, general health, the type of cancer, the treatment received, and other factors. "Different standard approaches depend on the intensity of treatment and the chance of recurrence," says Derek Raghavan, MD, PhD, who serves as chairman of The Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center.

Many, but not all, patients will require testing. That, too, is individualized. Common follow-up tests include: imaging procedures (such as CT scans, X-rays, and ultrasound); endoscopy (inserting a thin, lighted tube into the body to examine organs), and blood tests.

Hair loss from cancer treatment

Hair loss can be emotionally distressing. Not all chemotherapy medicines cause hair loss, and some people have only mild thinning that is noticeable only to them. Your health professional will be able to tell you whether hair loss is an expected side effect with the medicines you will receive. If you do lose hair, it will almost always grow back after the treatments are over. But it might be a different color or texture.

Hair loss can occur on all parts of the body, not just the head. Facial hair, arm and leg hair, underarm hair, and pubic hair all may be affected.

Hair loss usually doesn't occur right away. More often, it will begin falling out within a few weeks of treatment. Your hair may fall out gradually or in clumps. The hair that remains may be very dry or brittle.

During chemotherapy, your hair and scalp need special care.

* Use a mild shampoo and a soft hair brush.

* Try to air-dry your hair. If you have to use a hair dryer, use the low-heat setting.

* Have your hair cut short. A shorter style will make your hair look thicker and fuller. It also will make hair loss easier to manage if it occurs.

* Sleep on a satin pillowcase.

* Do not use brush rollers to set your hair.

* Do not dye your hair or get a permanent while you are taking chemotherapy.

* Use a sunscreen, sunblock, hat, scarf, or wig to protect your scalp from the sun.

You may feel more comfortable leaving your head uncovered. Or you may decide to wear turbans, scarves, caps, wigs, or hairpieces. You may choose to switch back and forth, depending on whether you are in public or at home with friends and family members.

Here are some tips to help you choose a wig or hairpiece:

* Shop for your wig or hairpiece before you lose a lot of hair so you can match your natural color, texture, and style. You may be able to buy a wig or hairpiece at a specialty shop just for cancer patients. Often a salesperson will come to your home to help you. You also can buy a wig or hairpiece through the American Cancer Society's catalog. Call the American Cancer Society for more information, 1-800-ACS-2345 (1-800-227-2345) or 1-866-228-4327 for TTY.

* You may prefer to borrow rather than buy a wig or hairpiece. If so, call your local American Cancer Society or check with the social work department at your treatment center.

* Remember that a hairpiece needed because of cancer treatment is a tax-deductible expense and may be at least partially covered by your health insurance. Be sure to check your policy, and ask your doctor to write a prescription for a "hair prosthesis."

The Best Colon Cancer Treatment Options

The Best Colon Cancer Treatment Options

Among the most spread cancers, colon cancer usually occurs in men and women over the age of 50. The main causes of colon cancer are related to the patient's diet: very low in fiber and high in fat and calories. By keeping a healthy life style and good eating habits, you can prevent developing cancer of the colon even before this becomes a problem. You might also want to try and check your family history for cases of colon cancer and adopt a healthier diet in order to make sure you will avoid this problem in the future.

Colon cancer treatments are varied and you can choose from a series of traditional and alternative methods of dealing with this condition. Surgery is often the number one choice - the surgeon removes the tumors on the colon, even if the cancer cells are spread beyond the colon itself. This ensures less problems in the future of the patient's life, reducing chances of bowel problems or internal bleeding. Colon cancer surgery is usually categorized in four main areas: rectum resection, radio frequency ablation, colostomy and colon resection. The surgeon will determine which method is best suited for each individual patient. Detecting cancer at a very early stage is important, as the problem can be corrected in a decisive and final manner. By using a polypectomy, the surgeon will remove suspicious polyps in order to minimize chances of the disease. Local excision may also be used in early stages, in order to remove the cancer cells. After surgery, your hospital should provide you with ongoing support in order to ensure a fast and efficient recovery.

Intra arterial chemotherapy is another treatment worth consideration. This treatment targets tumors by delivering a powerful dose of chemotherapy. Primary systemic chemotherapy is often used before a surgical procedure in order to destroy a large majority of cancer cells. Systemic therapy is usually used with metastatic cancer, while the third method, adjuvant chemotherapy, targets any cancer cells that might have been left over after surgery. All three chemotherapy procedures are delivered through the hepatic artery and are an option if the cancer has spread to the liver.

Another choice comes from chemoembolization treatment. In addition to being delivered intra arterially, this type of treatment blocks the blood flow to the areas affected by cancer. It traps the chemotherapy drugs in the area of the tumor, thus ensuring that they work efficiently and on target.

Symptoms and Treatment of Mesothelioma Cancer

Symptoms and Treatment of Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is often caused by exposure to asbestos. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure. The 2 common types of mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).

There are no immediate symptoms of mesothelioma cancer. The symptoms of mesothelioma may appear in 30 - 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma cancer: shortness of breath and pain in the chest.

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma cancer: abdominal pain and weight loss, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia and fever.

Please note that these symptoms may be due to other reasons.

Treatment Options for Mesothelioma Cancer Following are the options for mesothelioma treatment:

1. Radiation therapy
2. Chemotherapy
3. Surgery
4. Photodynamic therapy

Radiation or chemotherapy combined with surgery may increase the survival time by double.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cancer Diagnosis: Strategies for Getting the Best Treatment

Cancer Diagnosis: Strategies for Getting the Best Treatment

As a patient with cancer, two of the most important decisions you will make are which treatment you will receive and where.

But diagnosing cancer is a very complex process that involves many health care professionals. In addition, the testing that is done on patients varies between doctors and specialists. And even the best health care professionals make mistakes.

How do newly diagnosed patients know they are getting the best therapy for their cancer?

Unfortunately, most patients don't get the best treatment because they are diagnosed by a doctor who is not an oncologist. Therefore, that doctor is not likely to direct them to the most up-to-date therapies available.

The first step toward getting what you need is to get a second opinion. The Institute for Advanced Study in Medicine reported that 25% of patients had their treatment changed based on a second opinion.

Comprehensive Cancer Centers are the best places to get second opinions. That's where the experts are, doctors who think about your type of cancer every day. And that's what you want.

If you aren't near a National Cancer Institute-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center or Clinical Cancer Center (you can find their locations online), you can still get a second opinion. Choose a doctor who is not affiliated with your doctor, and who is at a hospital that is not affiliated with your doctor's hospital.

Another important part of getting the best therapy is to get a second opinion on your cancer by an expert pathologist. This involves getting the biopsy specimen to an outside pathologist.

Pathologists can't always precisely determine the stage of cancer, and sometimes not even the type of cancer. And, sometimes tests that could be done on your biopsy specimen aren't, simply because they aren't commonly used. But that doesn't mean these tests won't help you.

You need an expert to examine your biopsy specimens. For example, The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology has an excellent reputation in pathology.

Another important thing to do when you are first diagnosed is to contact the organizations for your type of cancer. They can lead you to experts in that field. Finally, get good nutritional counseling, and if you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, try your best to stop.

Skin Cancer; Early Treatment Wins the Game

Skin Cancer; Early Treatment Wins the Game

Skin cancer can happen to anyone and those at risk need to be smart and seek professional advice and/or early treatment. This makes sense of course but how do you know if you are at risk? Well if you work in an industry were you are exposed a lot to the sun you could be at risk.

If you get sunburns quite easily or have very light skin you would be more susceptible. Also if you have blue or green eyes or have blond or red hair you will be slightly more at risk. One of the most obvious things to think about is if you have skin cancer, which runs in your family. If you have a lot of moles you may wish to have a doctor look at them to see if they are the type that can become cancerous. Children who have had very bad skin burns in their past could be at risk as adults.

All doctors agree on one thing and that is of all the major types of skin cancer, early detection and treatment is your best chances for winning the game. So if you see spots on your skin, which are not symmetrical and growing these need to be checked out. The CDC says that;

"The three major types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Malignant melanoma causes more than 75% of all deaths from skin cancer. This disease can spread to other organs, most commonly the lungs and liver. Malignant melanoma diagnosed at an early stage usually can be cured, but melanoma diagnosed at a late stage is more likely to spread and cause death

Skin Cancer Causes And Treatment

Skin Cancer Causes And Treatment

Skin cancer the abnormal growth of skin cells most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. The two most common types are basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer. Skin cancer is a malignant growth on the skin which can have many causes. Skin cancer generally develops in the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, so a tumor is usually clearly visible. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the single most important cause of skin cancer, especially when the overexposure resulted in sunburn and blistering. This makes most skin cancers detectable in the early stages. There are three common types of skin cancer, each of which is named after the type of skin cell from which it arises.

The three most common types of skin cancer include:

This is less common than the other two types of skin cancer, though it can be a lot more serious. It develops from the melanocytes in the skin and is usually seen as a pigmented lesion with an irregular shape in the skin. This is definitely the most potentially harmful cancer as it can spread to various different areas within the body. If treated early, the good news is that this type of cancer has a very high cure rate, so get to the doctors as soon as possible for your best chance of recovery!

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This is usually seen within any part of the body which is exposed to excessive sun. Often occurring in the hands, lower lip, and the forehead, this type of cancer appears as a red bump or an ulceration of the skin which does not heal. The cancer if left untreated can spread to lymph nodes within the affected area.

Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma is by far the most common type of cancer you are likely to get and it usually appears as a small bump which has a pearly colored appearance. Usually the cancer is found on areas of the body which have had excessive sun exposure. This type of skin cancer does not usually spread to other parts of the body, and will only spread to the skin around the actual cancer.

Causes of Skin Cancer

1.Ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
4.Environment (Cloud cover).

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

1.Change in a wart or mole.
2.Red, tender, flat spot that bleeds easily.
3.Small, fleshy bump with a smooth, pearly appearance.
4.Shiny bump that may look like a mole or cyst.
5.Skin growth that looks like a wart.
6.Patch of skin that feels scaly, bleeds, or develops a crust.

Treatment of Skin Cancer

Most skin cancers can be treated by removal of the lesion, making sure that the edges (margins) are free of tumor cells. The excisions provide the best cure for both early and high-risk disease. Radiation therapy and cryotherapy (freezing the cancer off) can provide adequate control of the disease; both, however, have lower overall cure rates than surgery.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Skin Cancer - Types-Causes-Symptoms and Treatment

Skin Cancer - Types-Causes-Symptoms and Treatment

In recent years, the incidence of skin cancer around the world has escalated and the condition now affects millions of people worldwide. The usual cause is prolonged exposure to the harmful ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. The risk is higher if anybody lives or takes vacations in areas with intense sun. The recent depletion of the ozone layer is thought to have played a part in increasing the incidence, because the ozone layer acts as a shield against harmful ultraviolet light. In addition, tanning booths, which use ultraviolet light, may cause this cancer. People who have fair skin are especially susceptible because they have low levels of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color and helps protect it from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.

The four essential types are;

. Melanoma, a pigmented skin tumor that is quite serious and may be life-threatening.

. Basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin tumor, which is locally invasive and destructive (it destroys tissue in the immediate area), but is usually does not spread or result in death.

. Squamous cell carcinoma, which is three times rarer than a basal cell carcinoma but behaves in a similar manner.

. Bowen disease, a cousin of the squamous cell carcinoma but more superficial, involving only the outer most layer of the skin.

The typical basal cell carcinoma is an elevated round-oval, pearl-like bump with some red coloration due to fine red blood vessels going across or into it. Sometimes several small bumps form a circle. They bleed easily and sometimes ulcerate. The squamous cell carcinoma is less well defined, has uneven, poorly visualized borders and may be a scaly, crusted, red elevation with a rough surface. Bowen disease usually is a red or pink plaque-like elevation with very clear borders. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma tend to occur on sun-exposed sites of the skin.

Causes: The cause of cancer is unknown. It is thought, however, that squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are related to an accumulation of sunlight over a lifetime. People with light complexions have these tumors more often than people with dark complexions. Malignant melanoma is believed to be associated with numerous severe sunburns during childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. It, too, occurs more commonly in lightly pigmented people, especially those with blue or green eyes, freckles and almost white skin. A tendency to develop melanoma seems to run in families.


. Skin lesions with persistent ulceration or bleeding

. Persistent skin lesion that changes size, shape, or color (skin changes).

Diagnosis: A Biopsy should be done on any suspicious skin lesions. When evaluating pigmented skin lesions, the physician usually looks for good and bad signs. Bad signs include

. Uneven pigmentation or coloration of the lesion

. Irregular borders

. Asymmetry

. Marked elevation

. Large size (bigger than a pencil eraser)


Medical Treatment: It required Surgical Treatment.

Surgical Treatment: All the types described above can be treated by means of excision and removal of the tumor. Surgical removal results in a better than 90 percent cure rate for nonpigmented tumors (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and Bowen disease). Alternative methods for destroying the cancer include using liquid -nitrogen freezing (cryosurgery) or scraping with a curette and burning the tissue with electric cautery (electro desiccation and curettage).

The treatment of melanoma depends upon the thickness of the tumor and the depth of invasion when examined with the microscope. When the tumor is thin and superficial, excision examination of the lymph nodes draining the skin area and chemotherapy.

Prevention: prolonged sun exposure increases the risk of this cancer, so limiting exposure to the sun is the best prevention, particularly for those with fair complexions. Most of it occurs on the head, neck and hands, so clothing (wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves) and use of sun block with a sun protection factor of 15 offers adequate protection.

Prostate Cancer Prognosis Helps In Deciding The Course Of Treatment

Prostate Cancer Prognosis Helps In Deciding The Course Of Treatment

If you are suffering from prostate cancer then ask your doctor for prostate cancer prognosis as it will help you in many ways as you will not only know about the extent of the disease but also know about your survival chances in the next five to ten years after completion of treatment. Every male of fifty years and above are vulnerable to prostate cancer as the chances of contacting this disease begins only after this age.

In fact, prostate cancer relates to the growth of malignant tumor or nodules in the prostate glands, which is a part of men's sexual organ. This disease is mostly diagnosed in aging men, that is men who are fifty years or above in age. Therefore, if you have celebrated your fiftieth birthday and have developed this disease then you can undergo prostate cancer prognosis to know your future survival chances.

It is true that most of the people ignore the initial danger signals given by the body. However, if you pay due attention towards these warnings given by the body then you can ward off the chances of suffering from any kind of major problem in the future. To attain a fit and healthy life forever, you should maintain an annual check up system of your body.

This check up will help your doctor to foretell about any kind of internal ailment in your body and help you to eradicate it in the initial stage with the help of proper treatment. Moreover, you will get to know about the lifestyle that you have to follow and the medication that you have to take to remain fit and healthy for your entire life span.

If you are a male and you want to get protection against prostate cancer then you can take prostate cancer vaccine, which will provide the protective shield against this disease. However, if you have any kind of family history about cancer and feel that you can inherit this disease genetically then you should take prior precaution by taking potent vaccines.

Prostate cancer vaccine tests have also proved beneficial for men who were suffering from metastatic that is the fourth stage of prostate cancer, as the vaccine has the potential to destroy the cells that produce malignant tumors in the prostate gland. Therefore, you can easily take this vaccine if you have any kind of doubt about developing prostate cancer.

Nevertheless, you should ensure that FDA approves prostate cancer vaccine that you are taking, as this will ensure that you are taking the vaccine, which has undergone proper clinical testing before coming in the market. Moreover, FDA approved vaccine will always be safe and effective as it has to pass through strict standards of measurements for ensuring that it is safe for human use.

Thus, if you want to lead a healthy and happy life and free yourself from the tension of the pain and suffering attached with prostate cancer you should always go in for the related tests. This will provide mental and financial relief to your family members as prostate cancer prognosis will help in knowing the future status, which will give you the opportunity to prepare for the future.

Prostate Cancer - Do Vitamins Help

Prostate Cancer - Do Vitamins Help

Prostate cancer is the foremost common cancer among men in the United States and is a chief reason for cancer death. In recent times, many dietary risk factors are examined relating to their tie to prostrate cancer. Some researches have shown that larger intakes of dairy product, meat, fat and lower consumption of tomato product, selenium, lycopene and vitamin E have all been linked to elevated prostate cancer threat.

Until lately there was little evidence that way of life factors such as diet had any effect on prostate cancer threat. Now, a new research suggests there may be some profit in eating vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli .

Studies reveal that particular vitamins, minerals and natural products offer protection against cancer. Let's have a look at some of the most well-known vitamins, whilst presenting perhaps a few less important-famous naturally occurring products.

New studies have shown that vitamin E (found in leafy green vegetables, nuts and fortified cereals) notably beside Selenium, could have a protective part against prostate cancer. Vitamin E helps fight free radicals that play a task in the beginning of cancer and may lower a person�s risk of prostate cancer.

There have been a variety of studies to show that vitamin D, if it is deficient might add to your chance of prostate cancer. So certainly, supplements may be suggested. But you should get your vitamin D levels examined by your physician to work out exactly how deficient your vitamin D levels are and applicable suggestions may be created on how you'll supplement this.

Vitamin C besides many other benefits is also a weak diuretic, making urination easier for men with an enlarged prostate.

Some researchers reported some years ago that the usual intakes of tomato products -- particularly tomato sauce , was associated with a decreased chance of prostate cancer amongst more than 40,000 participants of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. In a recent study that followed the same group of men for many more years the researchers were hoping to learn more information regarding the precise types of foods or nutrients that seem to afford the men some protection from prostate cancer.

Few things in medicine research are getting simpler the additional you inspect them, and the utilization of vitamins, minerals, and herbal and botanical supplements to prevent or deal with prostate cancer isn't any exclusion. Up to date medical research, as an example, counsel that supplements of single nutrients like vitamins B, C, and E and the mineral selenium do not, as thought formerly , forestall chronic or age-connected diseases together with prostate cancer or different types of cancer.

The one rational deduction we may perhaps make from it is to eat a healthy diet. Start with a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables (eight to ten portions of food a day); whole-grain breads and cereals; beans; low-fat poultry and meat; non-fried fish; and low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Proscar- Fabulous Cancer Treatment

Proscar- Fabulous Cancer Treatment

Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases after Heart attack by which most people die. Uncontrolled and malignant growth of cells and tissues are the cause of cancer which spreads from one part of the body to the other attacking nearby cells to spread the malignancy ultimately causing death to the affected person.

Proscar- Fabulous Cancer Treatment

Today we will discuss about a drug developed by Merck & Co. Inc. for treatment of Prostate Cancer.

Before going to the subject, let us understand what cancer is and what Prostate Cancer is.

Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases after Heart attack by which most people die. Uncontrolled and malignant growth of cells and tissues are the cause of cancer which spreads from one part of the body to the other attacking nearby cells to spread the malignancy ultimately causing death to the affected person.

Cancer can occur at any part of the body. When the lungs are attacked we call it Lung Cancer. When the skin is attacked we call it as Skin Cancer. When women Breasts are attacked we call it Breast Cancer. However there may be Breast Cancer for male persons also.

One type of Cancer which is special for male person is known as Prostate Cancer. It is the Cancer of the Prostate gland which is a male organ.

Let us now have some knowledge about Prostate Gland of a male a person. The Prostate is a chest nut type gland present in males. Male persons above 50 have the tendency of benign enlargement of the Prostate. The enlarged gland squeezes the urethra restricting urine to pass through. This problem leads to problem in urination.

Some times the problem becomes so acute that surgical removal of Prostate is required.

Some times the enlargement of Prostate may be cancerous also.

American Cancer Society has found that 75 % of Prostate Cancer is curable.

Proscar- whose generic name is Finasteride, is used to shrink the enlarged Prostate to neutralize the problem of urination. Thus surgery for Prostate enlargement may be avoided.

Proscar is a white crystalline powder which is practically insoluble in water and is oral pill to fight Prostate Cancer.

Also Proscar is prescribed by some doctors as a protection measure against Prostate Cancer.

It was found that different men have different responses to Proscar. Some times it acts very fast to give relief to urinary problem. For some, the effect may be delayed upto 6 months even a year before getting result. For some men it is not at all effective. So a doctor should monitor the effect of Proscar on a man with Prostate enlargement problem.

The medicine may be taken with a meal or between the meals.

Generally side effects of Proscar can not be anticipated. A doctor should be immediately reported if any kind of side effect is noticed or felt.

Some of the recorded side effects are decreased amount of semen per ejaculation, decreased sex drive, impotence etc.

The drug is very much effective in treating Prostate enlargement and also can be used as a preventive measure against Prostate Cancer.

Philosophy and Cancer Treatment

Philosophy and Cancer Treatment

Around the tenth century in Europe - after the so called 'Dark Ages' - women, the original stewards of the land (men did 'animal husbandry'), were dispossessed of it by the new patriarchies of the Church and State. This male hierarchy hid the things they were most afraid of, namely the fact that it is women who hold the key to the processes and powers of life. They took them as their own, decreeing laws about how we should behave to impose control and inventing 'original sin'. Allied to this there came a prolonged persecution of women, especially any of those involved in healing. Some sources estimate about 5 - 9 million women were destroyed across Europe during this persecution. Essentially the role of women as healers and midwives was discouraged and 'home-making' and its many associated skills is still regarded as a 'worthless' career according to our primarily fiscal values based on GDP.

When a patriarchy takes over a matriarchy as a fundamental paradigm shift, one of the main things that happens is that 'healing' and 'spirituality' are separated out as an instrument of control. The world of spirit and physic were separated and became even more so during the great male 'Age of Reason' that began with Descartes and continued with Newton, the tail-end of which many are presently clinging to in desperation and a degree of applied self-interest.

Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650) was a central influence on the 17th century revolution that began modern science and philosophy. His 'Method of Doubt' was published in 1637: "I resolved to reject as false everything in which I could imagine the least doubt, in order to see if there afterwards remained anything that was entirely indubitable".

The philosophy of 'Cartesian dualism' became part of our science, where the mind and the body are seen as essentially separate. The 'self', the conscious being that is 'me' was seen as essentially non-physical. Misguidedly (it was not Descartes intention) this philosophy contributed to the mechanistic and rational philosophy of the universe adopted by our culture. Descartes was one of the first people to suggest that phenomena could be understood by breaking them down into constituent parts and examining each minutely. His view of the human body as a machine functioning within a mechanistic universe took prevalence within the 'Age of Reason'.

"Consider the human body as a machine. My thought compares a sick man and an ill-made clock with my idea of a healthy man and a well made clock".

This attention to analytical detail is still at the heart of our scientific research methodologies. As a result Western medicine has produced 'World saving' vaccines and antibiotics. It has created drugs and surgical techniques that do utterly amazing things. It has virtually eliminated all the serious communicable diseases (in the First World) such as leprosy, plague, tuberculosis, tetanus, syphilis, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, meningitis, polio, septicaemia. There are very few women dying in childbirth compared to the past. Western medicine has been, and is, a triumph in the face of these problems which worried us back then the way cancer and heart disease worry us today. Even the big medical problems of the of 1930's and 40's have literally vanished.

The age of infectious disease has given way to the age of chronic disorders. The major killers today are heart and vascular disease, chronic degenerative diseases and cancer, largely incurable and increasing in incidence. The strategies that worked so well for all but eliminating acute infectious diseases just don't seem to work for chronic and degenerative conditions.

"The prevalence of asthma, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, immune deficiency syndrome, HIV and a host of other debilitating conditions is increasing. Conventional biomedicine - so strikingly successful in the treatment of overwhelming infections, surgical and medical emergencies and congenital defects, has been unable to stem the tide of these conditions". James Gordon M.D., Washington, D.C.

Even during the time of Sir Isaac Newton the human body was viewed as an intricate biological machine. The Universe was an orderly, predictable but divine mechanism, a 'grand clockwork'. Although hundreds of years have passed, Western scientific medicine still holds the same basic philosophy, but are more sophisticated in studying biological mechanisms at a molecular level.

The first Newtonian approaches were essentially surgical. The body was seen as if it were a complex plumbing system. If it went wrong the offending piece was removed or bypassed. These days instead of using knives, drugs are often used to do more or less the same things.

Humans though are far more than walking sacks of chemicals. The animating life-force central to other medical systems is an energy that is not addressed by modern scientific methodology and there are no Western medical models that explain what it is and what it does. It is misguided by the concept that all illnesses are cured by physically repairing or eliminating abnormal cells. This is partly due to a conflict between 'Western' and 'Eastern' philosophies and has its roots in the division of science and religion along with the destruction of folk medicine in both U.S. and Europe.

Cancer cannot be treated effectively under a philosophy of reductionism. Scientific cancer research has failed to find a cure because it is looking in the wrong places with the wrong tools. Cancer needs to be understood as a 'whole' disease in relation to each individual's experience and the culture of which they are part. It has multiple causes that vary with each patient. The strategies that worked so well for tackling acute infectious diseases are inappropriate for dealing with chronic and degenerative conditions. Cancer patients can be at best increasingly 'patched up' by orthodox treatments but at spiralling health care costs.