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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Which treatment for lung cancer?

Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are all used to treat lung cancer. They can each be used alone or together. Your doctor will plan the best treatment for you. NHS guidelines state that everyone diagnosed with lung cancer should be under the care of a multi-disciplinary team. This is a team of health professionals who work together to decide on how best to manage your treatment and care. There are a number of factors that will help your specialist plan your treatment

* The type of lung cancer you have

* Where the cancer is within the lung

* Your general health

* Whether the cancer has spread (the stage)

* Results of blood tests and scans

Small cell lung cancer is mostly treated with chemotherapy. Surgery is not usually suitable because this type of cancer has usually spread at the time of diagnosis. You may also have radiotherapy.

Non small cell lung cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or a combination of these, depending on the stage when the cancer is diagnosed.