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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just say no to the PSA prostate cancer test.(prostate-specific antigen)

"Studies Fail to Settle Prostate Screening Debate" (Boston Globe); "Prostate Screening Saves Lives" (BBC). "Prostate Cancer Screening May Not Reduce Deaths" (Washington Post).

These are just some of the headlines for the big health story last month about the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) screening blood test. The results from two long awaited clinical trials were released early and simultaneously by The New England Journal of Medicine on March 18. Despite the seemingly conflicting messages of these sample headlines, it is now clear that symptomless men should consider refusing this test.

The larger of the two trials was conducted in several European countries. It found that the lifesaving benefit of PSA screening is far more modest than previously thought ... and the risk of harm is very high. For every 1,400 men who regularly had a PSA screening test over the ten-year period of the European trial, one man avoided death from prostate cancer and 47 men were treated unnecessarily for a cancer that did not progress. The risks of treatment include urinary incontinence, bowel problems, and impotence. Otis W. Brawley, MD, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, summed up the findings this way: "The test is about 50 times more likely to ruin your life than it is to save your life."

The other trial was U.S. government-funded and, unlike the European trial, it showed no reduction in prostate cancer deaths. The predictable and disturbing finding from both trials is this--many more prostate cancers were diagnosed in the men who were screened with the PSA test than in those who were not. Few men opt for the "wait and see" approach once a PSA test, biopsy and other tests indicate the presence of cancer.

The debate over the PSA test is expected to continue, largely because flaws can be found in virtually all trials. For example, the U.S. trial had less than half the number of participants of the European trial (162,000), which some believe may account for the absence of a lifesaving benefit. In the U.S. trial, men were randomly assigned to annual PSA tests plus a digital rectal examination (screened group) OR what is known as usual care.

Given the fact that the PSA test has been aggressively marketed as a lifesaving test to doctors and the general public for the last 20 years, usual care in the U.S. involves a doctor recommending a PSA test. It is considered unethical to ask men in the unscreened control group not to have a PSA, and a large portion of them in the U.S. trial-38% to 52%--had the test. Western European countries put up barriers to the marketing of an unproven test to the public. In the U.S., most men over age 50 have regular PSA tests; in the U.K., where the National Health Service does not recommend PSA testing, only about 6% of men have had a PSA test because they requested one.

Treatment-Related Deaths?

There was a troubling finding from the U.S. trial that did not get media attention last month--it involves the deaths from the prostate cancer treatment itself. When the authors of this trial looked solely at the participants who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer in the 10-year period of the trial, there were 312 men in the PSA screening group and 225 men in the unscreened control group who had died from causes other than prostate cancer. The unexpectedly higher number of deaths in the screened group, say the authors, is "possibly" related to treatment of non-progressive cancer.

The question that no one seems to be asking at this time is: Why was the PSA screening test allowed to become so widespread when it cannot identify which prostate cancers are aggressive and lethal? And no test currently exists that can make that distinction accurately.

Cancer screening tests are approved by the FDA on the basis of an outdated understanding of cancer, i.e. all cancers are deadly; finding cancer early is always good. All a company has to do is prove its product can find symptomless cancer. The success of any screening test, however, should not be based on how many cancers it can find but how many deaths can be avoided. And most important, the chance of avoiding death should be far greater than the chance of serious harm as a result of the test itself. The PSA screening test fails on both counts.

What to do:

-Read more about the U.S. trial at the Web site of the National Cancer Institute which is its sponsor. See the press release entitled, "U.S. Cancer Screening Trial Shows no Early Mortality Benefit for Annual Prostate Cancer Screening" (www.cancer.gov/newscenter). Free access to both trials at the New England Journal of Medicine Web site (www.nejm.org). See the March 26, 2009 issue.

-Inform yourself. Try to get as much information about prostate cancer, early detection, and the PSA test from sources other than hospitals and doctors who treat prostate cancer. The National Cancer Institute is one place to start (www.cancer.gov).

-Be aware of the fact that some men are given the PSA test without their knowledge. It is often automatically added in with the standard blood test for cholesterol, etc. If you decide to forego a PSA test, make your wishes known before you are given a blood test.

-Recognize that fear-mongering with statistics is essential to cancer screening promotion. Prostate cancer may in fact be the second leading cause of cancer death in men, but it accounts for only 3% of all deaths. No prostate screening campaign is likely to flip that statistic around to tell men that 97% of them will not die of prostate cancer. And the 20% reduction in prostate cancer deaths shown in the PSA screened group in the European study. Here's what it means: The man who regularly has a PSA test over the course of the next ten years will reduce his risk of dying of prostate cancer from 3% to 2.4%.

1 comment:

  1. Actually the European study now reports a 30% reduction. Education is the key --- don't be scared into treatment but, in my opinion, don't be scared into putting your head in the sand. Learn what you can and the PSA test, PSA velocity and associated measures can provide key data when utilized appropriately. Check out what the experts have to say: e.g. American Urological Association, www.drcatalona.com. You will find that it's not the PSA test that is the problem, it is very useful. What you do next is the key. Seek expert advice, multiple opinions, look at the statistics and decide what to do. In many case a biopsy will be appropriate and that will provide much more definitive information to guide your decisions (and is relatively innocuous albeit uncomfortable). Doing nothing is doing something -- it's playing Russian roulette. The odds are in your favor to ignore the possibility prostate cancer -- its relatively rare. But if your PSA raises a red flag, and a biopsy confirms it, the odds have changed to 100% but you now have many options to eliminate/cure prostate cancer before it ravages your body. The PSA test can lead to removing all of the cancer (along of course with your prostate). These are all choices -- learn about them but don't ignore the important information that regular PSA screen has provided for so many of us.
