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Monday, December 21, 2009

Skin Cancer - Types-Causes-Symptoms and Treatment

Skin Cancer - Types-Causes-Symptoms and Treatment

In recent years, the incidence of skin cancer around the world has escalated and the condition now affects millions of people worldwide. The usual cause is prolonged exposure to the harmful ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. The risk is higher if anybody lives or takes vacations in areas with intense sun. The recent depletion of the ozone layer is thought to have played a part in increasing the incidence, because the ozone layer acts as a shield against harmful ultraviolet light. In addition, tanning booths, which use ultraviolet light, may cause this cancer. People who have fair skin are especially susceptible because they have low levels of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its color and helps protect it from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.

The four essential types are;

. Melanoma, a pigmented skin tumor that is quite serious and may be life-threatening.

. Basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin tumor, which is locally invasive and destructive (it destroys tissue in the immediate area), but is usually does not spread or result in death.

. Squamous cell carcinoma, which is three times rarer than a basal cell carcinoma but behaves in a similar manner.

. Bowen disease, a cousin of the squamous cell carcinoma but more superficial, involving only the outer most layer of the skin.

The typical basal cell carcinoma is an elevated round-oval, pearl-like bump with some red coloration due to fine red blood vessels going across or into it. Sometimes several small bumps form a circle. They bleed easily and sometimes ulcerate. The squamous cell carcinoma is less well defined, has uneven, poorly visualized borders and may be a scaly, crusted, red elevation with a rough surface. Bowen disease usually is a red or pink plaque-like elevation with very clear borders. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma tend to occur on sun-exposed sites of the skin.

Causes: The cause of cancer is unknown. It is thought, however, that squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are related to an accumulation of sunlight over a lifetime. People with light complexions have these tumors more often than people with dark complexions. Malignant melanoma is believed to be associated with numerous severe sunburns during childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. It, too, occurs more commonly in lightly pigmented people, especially those with blue or green eyes, freckles and almost white skin. A tendency to develop melanoma seems to run in families.


. Skin lesions with persistent ulceration or bleeding

. Persistent skin lesion that changes size, shape, or color (skin changes).

Diagnosis: A Biopsy should be done on any suspicious skin lesions. When evaluating pigmented skin lesions, the physician usually looks for good and bad signs. Bad signs include

. Uneven pigmentation or coloration of the lesion

. Irregular borders

. Asymmetry

. Marked elevation

. Large size (bigger than a pencil eraser)


Medical Treatment: It required Surgical Treatment.

Surgical Treatment: All the types described above can be treated by means of excision and removal of the tumor. Surgical removal results in a better than 90 percent cure rate for nonpigmented tumors (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and Bowen disease). Alternative methods for destroying the cancer include using liquid -nitrogen freezing (cryosurgery) or scraping with a curette and burning the tissue with electric cautery (electro desiccation and curettage).

The treatment of melanoma depends upon the thickness of the tumor and the depth of invasion when examined with the microscope. When the tumor is thin and superficial, excision examination of the lymph nodes draining the skin area and chemotherapy.

Prevention: prolonged sun exposure increases the risk of this cancer, so limiting exposure to the sun is the best prevention, particularly for those with fair complexions. Most of it occurs on the head, neck and hands, so clothing (wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves) and use of sun block with a sun protection factor of 15 offers adequate protection.

Prostate Cancer Prognosis Helps In Deciding The Course Of Treatment

Prostate Cancer Prognosis Helps In Deciding The Course Of Treatment

If you are suffering from prostate cancer then ask your doctor for prostate cancer prognosis as it will help you in many ways as you will not only know about the extent of the disease but also know about your survival chances in the next five to ten years after completion of treatment. Every male of fifty years and above are vulnerable to prostate cancer as the chances of contacting this disease begins only after this age.

In fact, prostate cancer relates to the growth of malignant tumor or nodules in the prostate glands, which is a part of men's sexual organ. This disease is mostly diagnosed in aging men, that is men who are fifty years or above in age. Therefore, if you have celebrated your fiftieth birthday and have developed this disease then you can undergo prostate cancer prognosis to know your future survival chances.

It is true that most of the people ignore the initial danger signals given by the body. However, if you pay due attention towards these warnings given by the body then you can ward off the chances of suffering from any kind of major problem in the future. To attain a fit and healthy life forever, you should maintain an annual check up system of your body.

This check up will help your doctor to foretell about any kind of internal ailment in your body and help you to eradicate it in the initial stage with the help of proper treatment. Moreover, you will get to know about the lifestyle that you have to follow and the medication that you have to take to remain fit and healthy for your entire life span.

If you are a male and you want to get protection against prostate cancer then you can take prostate cancer vaccine, which will provide the protective shield against this disease. However, if you have any kind of family history about cancer and feel that you can inherit this disease genetically then you should take prior precaution by taking potent vaccines.

Prostate cancer vaccine tests have also proved beneficial for men who were suffering from metastatic that is the fourth stage of prostate cancer, as the vaccine has the potential to destroy the cells that produce malignant tumors in the prostate gland. Therefore, you can easily take this vaccine if you have any kind of doubt about developing prostate cancer.

Nevertheless, you should ensure that FDA approves prostate cancer vaccine that you are taking, as this will ensure that you are taking the vaccine, which has undergone proper clinical testing before coming in the market. Moreover, FDA approved vaccine will always be safe and effective as it has to pass through strict standards of measurements for ensuring that it is safe for human use.

Thus, if you want to lead a healthy and happy life and free yourself from the tension of the pain and suffering attached with prostate cancer you should always go in for the related tests. This will provide mental and financial relief to your family members as prostate cancer prognosis will help in knowing the future status, which will give you the opportunity to prepare for the future.

Prostate Cancer - Do Vitamins Help

Prostate Cancer - Do Vitamins Help

Prostate cancer is the foremost common cancer among men in the United States and is a chief reason for cancer death. In recent times, many dietary risk factors are examined relating to their tie to prostrate cancer. Some researches have shown that larger intakes of dairy product, meat, fat and lower consumption of tomato product, selenium, lycopene and vitamin E have all been linked to elevated prostate cancer threat.

Until lately there was little evidence that way of life factors such as diet had any effect on prostate cancer threat. Now, a new research suggests there may be some profit in eating vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli .

Studies reveal that particular vitamins, minerals and natural products offer protection against cancer. Let's have a look at some of the most well-known vitamins, whilst presenting perhaps a few less important-famous naturally occurring products.

New studies have shown that vitamin E (found in leafy green vegetables, nuts and fortified cereals) notably beside Selenium, could have a protective part against prostate cancer. Vitamin E helps fight free radicals that play a task in the beginning of cancer and may lower a person�s risk of prostate cancer.

There have been a variety of studies to show that vitamin D, if it is deficient might add to your chance of prostate cancer. So certainly, supplements may be suggested. But you should get your vitamin D levels examined by your physician to work out exactly how deficient your vitamin D levels are and applicable suggestions may be created on how you'll supplement this.

Vitamin C besides many other benefits is also a weak diuretic, making urination easier for men with an enlarged prostate.

Some researchers reported some years ago that the usual intakes of tomato products -- particularly tomato sauce , was associated with a decreased chance of prostate cancer amongst more than 40,000 participants of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. In a recent study that followed the same group of men for many more years the researchers were hoping to learn more information regarding the precise types of foods or nutrients that seem to afford the men some protection from prostate cancer.

Few things in medicine research are getting simpler the additional you inspect them, and the utilization of vitamins, minerals, and herbal and botanical supplements to prevent or deal with prostate cancer isn't any exclusion. Up to date medical research, as an example, counsel that supplements of single nutrients like vitamins B, C, and E and the mineral selenium do not, as thought formerly , forestall chronic or age-connected diseases together with prostate cancer or different types of cancer.

The one rational deduction we may perhaps make from it is to eat a healthy diet. Start with a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables (eight to ten portions of food a day); whole-grain breads and cereals; beans; low-fat poultry and meat; non-fried fish; and low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese.