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Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Cancer Treatment Promises Hope

New Cancer Treatment Promises Hope

Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy (IPHC) with Mitomycin C after Cytoreductive Surgery for Patients with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis - a long, technical term for modern medicine in the fight against cancer.

I had the rare opportunity to speak with Dr. Perry Shen of Wake Forest University. As I listened, he explained how this groundbreaking treatment is extending the lives of patients suffering from Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. *(Peritoneal membrane surrounds and lubricates the surface of organs within the abdomen; eg., colon, gallbladder, spleen, ovaries, intestines, liver, etc..) Because Advanced-stage Peritoneal carcinomatosis (cancer) and disseminated peritoneal lymphomas are often resistant to current chemotherapy treatment, medical researchers out of Wake Forest University have engaged in the study and treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis since 1991.

Dr. John Spratt first began describing using interdominal heated therapy in 1980, and found that this particular method worked well in conjunction with chemotherapy. By giving chemotherapy interdominally with much higher concentrated heat, (41 degrees Celcius - or around 105 degrees Fahrenheit) through tumor-removal surgery, the heated medicine showed an increase in its effectiveness; thus, decreasing tumors. (1. Cytoreductive surgery consists of the removal of all gross tumors and involved organs, peritoneum, or tissue deemed technically feasible and safe for the patient. Any tumors adherent or invasive to vital structures that could not be removes were cytoreduces using the cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator.)

Overall survival rates were improved of 109 Patients (with peritoneal carcinomatosis) treated between December 1991 and November 1997. (2. Clinicopathologic factors that independently predicted improved overall survival rates.)

A one-time treatment, IHPC lasts approximately 1-2 hours, but standardly, a 2-hour treatment is utilized by Wake Forest University. Initially, patients are cooled to a core temperature of approximately 34 Degrees C to 35 Degrees C. Once cooled, peritoneal perfusion inflow and outflow catheters are placed peroutaneously into the abdominal cavity. With temperature probes acting as moderators, the abdomen is gently massaged throughout perfusion to enhance drug distribution to all peritoneal areas. Because tumor tissue is more responsive to heat than normal tissue (due to intrinsic thermosensitivity) IHPC improves the chemosensitivity of tumor cells to Mytomycin C(MMC).

With an average life expectancy of 3-6 months after diagnosis of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis, patients are gaining new hope as IHPC treatment is extending life by as much as 15 months; and a few selected patients' lives have even been extended to 28-30 months.

IHPC is currently utilized by oncologists throughout 8 centers Nationwide, with treatment of an average of 40-50 cases annually. According to Dr. Shen, one study was performed in Europe of a randomized differential of Systemic (traditional) Chemotherapy as opposed to IHPC, and found favor towards Intraperitoneal Heated Chemotherapy. Dr. Shen optimistically explained that more cases could be substantially helped if caught in early stages. (3) Dr. Perry Shen is the Assistant Professor in the Department of General Surgery at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC.

As with all medical breakthroughs, the health hope of mankind rests in the hands of researchers and medical communities across the globe. While modern technology is steadily improving overall life expectancies, it is also important to remember that if we choose to live healthier, happier lives - prevention is key. In closing, I commend Dr. Shen and his medical research staff for the advancement and hopeful promise of enhancing patient's lives through committed research and human compassion.

Natural Cancer Cure

Natural Cancer Cure

It takes a lot of courage to face cancer and it takes even more courage to search for an alternative and natural cancer cure for your dis-ease. Although scientists are breaking new ground every day and discovering new treatments and even cures, often these treatments are either very expensive, just simply unavailable and most often have terrible side affects that are extremely difficult to tolerate. This is why people just like you search for a natural cancer cure every day.

One of the first steps when faced with a terrible dis-ease such as cancer is to cure your mind. Most people now are very well aware of how powerful their mind is and the incredible affects it can have on your entire body as well as the incredible self-healing powers it can have on your entire body. Scientists are discovering more and more just how powerful our mind truly is, and the new-age/self-help movement has known and preached the power of the mind for a long time. It's only now that scientists are actually starting to validate scientifically what the new age movement already knows.

When faced though with a terrible dis-ease such as cancer, people like yourself are looking for instant cures and help and preferably natural with little side affects. Self Hypnosis actually offers you a viable natural cancer cure. Although hypnosis on its own cannot cure cancer, hypnosis can instantly begin to change and help your mind. With your mind operating in total peak performance, it gives your body and any other treatments you are using the best chances of success.

You can easily begin to use the benefits of hypnosis right in the privacy of your own home with a mp3 hypnosis download. As well you are able to listen to the hypnosis session over and over to get its full benefit. Begin your natural cancer cure search today by bringing a new frame of mind to your treatment.

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment - Asbestos Kills

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment - Asbestos Kills

Mesothelioma cancer is a disease that results from exposure to asbestos related substances. Asbestos usually consists of fibres that can enter the body through the mouth, or the skin, and, subsequently, enter the lungs, or blood stream.

Mesothelioma cancer has become more widely documented in the last 5-10 years, due to the fact that symptoms of asbestos cancer can take between 20 to 40 years to manifest. Mesothelioma cancer is hard to diagnose, as the symptoms do not tend to manifest themselves until the later stages of the disease. Symptoms of mesothelioma lung cancer include shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other secondary illnesses such as pneumonia.

Asbestos cancer most often develops in men between the ages of 50 to 70 years who were exposed to high levels of asbestos in the workplace. Asbestos was mainly used in manufacturing industries such as automotive and ship building as well as in the construction industry. The use of asbestos was only recently banned in the 1990's.

Mesthelioma lung cancer has been found to be the most common form of mesothelioma cancer and it develops in the lining of the lung (pleural). Mesothelioma cancer can also develop in the abdominal area (peritoneal) and around the heart (pericardial). There is a greater chance of malignancy in abdominal asbestos cancer. For a more detailed explanation of mesothelioma cancer, visit http://www.lung-canceradvice.com

Mesothelioma lung cancer can be detected through a CT scan which enables it to be sometimes diagnosed earlier than the other two types of mesothelioma cancer. The type of mesothelioma cancer treatment will depend on the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed, the age of the patient as well as personal preferences. The disease can be divided into four separate stages. The stage in the disease process that is reached will determine the method of mesothelioma cancer treatment. At the first stage when the tumour is confined to the lining of the lungs, surgeons may try to remove the entire tumour surgically. Once the tumour has invaded the surrounding body tissues in the later stages, it is not curable.

Conventionally, the more advanced stages of mesothelioma cancer are treated with either radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy utilizes high-energy x-rays to destroy cancerous cells and shrink tumours Chemotherapy, on the other hand, uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. The aim of these mesothelioma cancer treatments is to prolong the patient's life as the disease cannot be cured in the more advanced stages.

In addition to these conventional mesothelioma cancer treatments, there are also various experimental treatments currently under investigation which offer new hope.

Immunotherapy: This form of biological therapy for mesothelioma cancer treatment uses the patient's own immune system to attack the cancerous cells. Clinical studies have shown that the immune system is able to distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells, and can therefore be used to destroy those cancerous cells.

Gene Therapy: This form of mesothelioma cancer treatment is very much still in the developmental stages. The process involves injecting a specific gene straight into the tumour. This gene renders the cancer cells sensitive to the antiviral drug glanciclovir which under normal circumstances is not effective against these cells. The glanciclovir is then able to destroy all the cancer cells without harming the healthy tissue cells.

Drug Therapy: The drug Alimta is the only chemotherapy drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)for the treatment of patients with malignant mesothelioma lung cancer . This new and exciting drug has been demonstrated in clinical trials to reduce symptoms and increase the life expectancy of patients.

Photodynamic Therapy: Photodynamic therapy involves the use of light to destroy cancer cells. The patient first is first administered a photosensitizing drug that only collects in cancerous cells. Fibre-optic cables are then inserted in the body in order to focus light of a certain frequency on the tumour. The light stimulates the photosensitizing drug to produce toxic oxygen molecules that destroy the cancerous cells.

These experimental mesothelioma cancer treatments, although still in the developmental stages, offer cancer victims the prospect of a better and longer life. With the likelihood of an increase in the number of people diagnosed with asbestos cancer, further research into other forms of mesothelioma cancer treatment is vital.

Melanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

Melanoma, Skin Disease and Skin Cancer Treatment - You Need to Read This

Skin cancer like melanoma is potentially fatal. Hence, it is imperative that skin cancer treatment is begun early. Skin cancer treatment may take on the conventional form or it may be along the lines of alternative medicine. Cancer treatment is progressing rapidly by the day and new treatment methods are in the pipeline.

Conventional skin cancer treatment encompasses a range of methods, like:


Surgery is the oldest form of treating skin cancer. This treatment involves the removal of the tumor and some adjacent healthy tissues in order to stem the cancer spread. For some surface-based cancers doctors and surgeons have found skin peels like the TCA skin peel have been very effective (see the link below for more info on TCA peels for home use).


Chemotherapy aims at skin cancer treatment by introducing specific cancer-combating drugs in the body. These drugs kill the cancer cells by hampering their development and regeneration. To counter the side effects, chemotherapy is being molded along new lines.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill the cancer-causing cells. This therapy can be applied to any part of the body. New radiation techniques like External Beam Radiation aim at focusing the radiation to the cancer cell and away from healthy tissue.


Biotherapy or immunotherapy aims at treating skin cancer by enhancing the body's immune system with doses of tumor vaccines, interleukin-2, or interferon-alfa. It involves fewer side effects than other methods.


The cancer cell is known to be sensitive to heat. Local hyperthermia is one method of cancer treatment where the whole body or the concerned area is subject to high temperatures to destroy or weaken cancer cells.

Photodynamic Therapy

A relatively new cancer treatment, Photodynamic Therapy, involves the injection of Photofrin so that when the cancer cell is subject to a laser beam, the drug is triggered into action. This treatment is relatively painless and entails less risks and side effects than other treatment forms.

Steering clear of these harsh methods are the alternative forms of cancer treatment like:

Nutritional Therapy

Here the cancer patient is put on an individualized diet in accordance with the specific dietary preferences and requirements to counter the ravages wrought by the disease and the treatment.

Pain management

Pain management aims to alleviate pain and distress either through drugs, surgery or psychotherapy.


It is "back to nature" in the realm of cancer treatment, with natural therapy. Naturopathy is an herbal treatment, which furthers your body's innate ability to heal itself, combining a range of processes.


Another new form of cancer treatment is Psychoneuroimmunology. It believes that mind can wield enough control over the body to stimulate a healing process. Thus, this form of treatment engulfs a range of nutritional and medical issues to aid during the bodily healing and emotional and cognitive therapies like stress management and humor sessions to empower the mind.

Spiritual Support Therapy

Another popular form of skin cancer treatment is Spiritual Support Therapy, which takes care of the patient's spiritual well being and a regimen of exercises and massages that forms the Physical Therapy, designed to abate stress and pain.

Skin cancer treatment is most effective when cancer is diagnosed early and the physician embarks on the best form of treatment.