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Saturday, December 12, 2009

An Overview of Alternative Esophagus Cancer Treatment

An Overview of Alternative Esophagus Cancer Treatment

When chosen carefully alternative therapies can provide a wealth of benefits in conjunction with standard treatments. While there are a number of options available, keep in mind it is always best to keep your doctor informed regarding any alternatives which you may consider utilizing. In many cases it is quite possible to use any alternative esophagus cancer treatment right along with your standard plan, but to be sure, always consult your physician before beginning any alternative therapy.

Benefits of these other modalities include ease of pain, reduction of symptoms or side effects and improved quality of life.

A few alternative esophageal cancer treatment options that have proven to be successful for many people include the following:

Music Therapy- An approach that is frequently used by professional healthcare workers to promote healing as well as improve quality of life.

Aromatherapy-This treatment utilizes fragrant substances, known as essential oils. These oils are distilled from plants and are known to improve health and mood.

Art Therapy-Frequently used to assist individuals with both emotional and physical problems by allowing them to express their emotions through creative activities.

Massage Therapy-Utilizes rubbing, manipulation and kneading of the soft tissue and muscles of the body. Studies indicate that massage therapy is capable of decreasing anxiety, stress, depression and pain while increasing alertness.

Prayer and Spirituality-Many individuals find that increasing their awareness of something greater than their individual self through religion and prayer can provide numerous benefits.

Acupuncture-This is a type of technique in which extremely thin needles of different lengths are inserted into the skin. It is used to treat a variety of disorders and conditions including cancer.

Yoga-A type of non-aerobic exercise focusing on precise posture and breathing.

Biofeedback-A treatment option that utilizes monitoring devices in order to assist individuals in consciously controlling physical processes including blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and sweating.

Meditation-A mind and body process that focuses on concentration and reflection to help clam the mind and relax the body.

Remember, if you are considering an alternative esophagus cancer treatment, you should speak to your physician first to be sure they will compliment your existing standard treatment plan. Your physician may also be able to answer any questions you may have regarding these regimes.

Alternative Treatment for Cancer

Alternative Treatment for Cancer

Cancer is an excessive growth of unwanted cells in our body. These excess growth of cells consume a lot of glucose found in the blood and starve the organs that need glucose. Cancer cells release toxic substances that interrupt the normal functioning of the other healthy organs. Hence cancer has to be treated immediately.

Although there are many treatments available to treat cancer, many people prefer alternative medicines for treating cancer as it has many advantages when compared to the other types of treatments for cancer and it has minimal side effects. Herbal and immunology therapies are the common form that is followed. Following a healthy food habit during alternative treatments for cancer would help to fight cancer at a faster rate. Foods like Hazel nuts, tomatoes, blue berries, and Brazil nuts can be taken when undergoing treatments for cancer.

Brazil nuts have anti-cancer properties and hence they find their place in alternative treatments for cancer. It is found that selenium is found at higher levels in Brazil nuts. Selenium is used to fight against cancer. Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy growth of the cells. Essiac Tea has anti-cancer properties and is used in the alternative treatments for cancer. Echinacea Angustifolia root is best in its anti-cancer properties and to boost the immune system.

Beta glucan is a cancer alternative medicine that is used to fight against all types of cancer.

This cancer alternative medicine is derived from baker's yeast, oat and barley fiber, and many medicinal mushrooms, such as maitake.Beta glucan as a it improves the immune system to fight against any type of cancer. It is believed that a weak immune system is responsible for cancerous growth in our body.

Laetrile is also used as one of the alternative treatment for cancer since it works on all types of cancer. Tumor related pains are relieved by the usage of laetrile. Laetrile can be taken as intravenous or orally. If intravenous the dosage should be 6 gms and if oral it should be 3 gms per day. Emulsified vitamin A is usually added as a supplement to laetrile. MGN-3, a medication that produces the natural killer cells in our body is also used in the treatment of cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatment---The Controversy in Virginia

Alternative Cancer Treatment---The Controversy in Virginia

What do you suppose the first thought a person just diagnosed with cancer has? Do they think about death? Do they think about chemotherapy and other medical treatments? What would you think of first if you found out you had cancer?

For me, I've already decided that if I ever do get cancer, I will not seek out the conventional medical cancer interventions and treatments that are the society standard today. I've decided I will seek a natural route, one that does not involve chemotherapy and the destruction of my healthy cells as well as cancer cells. I've decided I will seek a treatment that does not weaken me physically, but rather helps to empower and strengthen my body.

This decision has come to me over my lifetime, and personally seeing relatives suffer through this type of treatment, only to quickly deteriorate, and in my opinion, die a faster, more painful death than if they'd had not treatment at all. Dramatic statement, I know, but nonetheless, this is my opinion.

I do not know what natural therapy or lifestyle changes I would actually choose if I were in that position, but I do know this is how I would choose to fight my battle, and I would hope that with some prompted research, the natural choice would make itself apparent. This is my personal choice, and no one could change my mind.

Now, consider this. What if I were only 16 years old, and I had come to this same conclusion, with the added caveat that I had actually had chemotherapy and been severely debilitated by it once already? Does the government or a judge have the right to intervene and order medical treatment, which I do not believe in, and in fact, which I believe will actually kill me, if not dramatically jeopardize my quality of life?

That's exactly what is transpiring right now for a 16 year old Virginia man (I say man, because this particular teen carries himself like an adult), with 2nd stage Hodgkins disease, a form of cancer that is very treatable the first time around, but upon recurrence, is less treatable and more deadly, requiring more drastic traditional chemotherapy and radiation.

Initially, the teen did undergo chemotherapy when the cancer was first discovered. He was weakened so badly, and in so much pain, that when his oncologist ordered a second round of more agressive chemo and radiation when the cancer returned, he refused and sought out an alternative cancer treatment called the Hoxsy method.

It is important to note that this natural, herbal method of cancer treatment, which is paired with a sugar free diet, has been banned by the FDA in the US, and he had to travel to Mexico in order to receive the daily herbs he had to take as well as intructions on how the treatment worked.

His parents advised the teen's oncologist of their intentions for further alternative treatment, but said they'd like his continued medical monitoring. The oncologist felt this was neglect, and reported his parents to the authorities for investigation of medical neglect.

The case is now in court, and so far the judge has ordered the teen to undergo the chemotherapy treatments that he has so adamantly refused. I ask, how can you force someone who is obviously so against a certain medical treatment, to receive that treatment, regardless whether they are an "adult" as defined by today's standards?

I can guarantee this teen has been forced to become much more mature than his biological years already through this ordeal, and is more than capable of making his own choices in his method of cancer treatment. Is this morally and ethically right? Or is it morally and ethically right to give him chemo, which many believe may actually save him while the alternative methods cannot possibly work?

I suppose it depends on your point of view, whether you are a believer in the pharmaceutical and medical industry or not. I for one have lost a lot of faith in the medical industry, and I believe that this choice should be left to the person it affects most. And that is, the one who has the cancer, the one who's life has been so dramatically changed and nearly ruined by chemotherapy. Is it not up to the individual, or is this just a case of "the establishment" having their way?