PSA is measured by nanograms per milliliter of blood, with most healthy men having under 4 ng/mL. According to the American Cancer Society, a PSA level between 4 and 10 indicates a 25% chance of it being prostate cancer. A PSA higher than 10 means there’s at least a 50% chance its prostate cancer.
Here are some advantages and drawbacks to the PSA test that men should be aware of.
Benefits of the PSA Test
* Prostate cancer can be detected by the test long before symptoms present themselves.
* The test detects cancer 5 to 10 years earlier than digital rectal exams (DREs).
* Early detection before the cancer has spread outside the prostate provides men with more treatment options and a better chance for a cure.
* Though this is a controversial claim by some experts, the test may contribute to significant reduction deaths from prostate cancer.
* The test is a quick, simple and painless procedure involving a medical staffer taking a sample of blood for testing in a lab.
Drawbacks of the PSA Test
* Significant number of false negatives. In 1 out of 5 cases, the PSA test comes back 'normal' with PSA levels in men with early prostate cancer.
* High rate of false-positive results. Two out of 3 of those with elevated levels of PSA do not have prostate cancer, so the test may cause undue worry.
* A false-positive result can lead to unnecessary follow-up testing that is more invasive, i.e., multiple biopsies.
* The test does not distinguish between prostate cancer and other prostate problems such as infection and BPH – again, leading to more false positives and unnecessary follow-up procedures.
* Men over the age of 75 may not benefit from the test because the prostate is generally very slow growing and treatment is unlikely to lengthen their lives.
Read more at Suite101: PSA Test for Prostate Cancer: Advantages And Drawbacks |
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